Enabling Digital Simplicity.

So customers, employees and partners can do more by doing less.

Vision and Strategy

A digital vision is a long-term plan or goal for an organization’s use of digital technologies. It describes where the organization wants to be in the future in terms of its digital capabilities and how it will use these capabilities to achieve its objectives. Digital strategy refers to the plan an organization creates to achieve its goals using digital technologies. This can include things like increasing online sales, improving customer service, and streamlining internal processes.  A digital vision should be aligned with the overall business strategy and goals of your business.

Key questions to understand are:

  • Vision: What do you want to achieve?
  • Values: What’s important to you?
  • Methods: How do you get it?
  • Obstacles: What is preventing you from being successful?
  • Measures: How do you know you have it?

Objectives and Key Results

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a way to set and track goals. An “objective” is a goal that you want to achieve. It should be specific and measurable. “Key results” are specific, measurable targets that help you track your progress towards your objective.

For example, let’s say your objective is to increase sales by 25% in the next quarter. Your key results might include things like increasing the number of leads by 20%, improving the conversion rate from leads to sales by 10%, and increasing the average order value by 5%.

The OKR framework is used by many companies to help them set clear goals and track progress towards them. It is also used to encourage continuous improvement and learning.

Key questions to understand objectives and key results would include:

  • What are our most important goals?
  • What do we need to achieve?
  • How do our departments achieve those goals?
  • How do those teams relate to each other and interact?
  • Could they work together more effectively?

Examples of digital objectives include:

  • Meet shoppers where they are
  • Drive awareness and acquisition
  • Realise revenue and employee success
  • Deliver superior customer service
  • Personalise the customer journey

Business Capabilities

Business capabilities are the things that a business is able to do, or the functions that it performs in order to achieve its goals. They represent the capabilities and resources that a business has at its disposal, such as its products and services, processes, technologies, and people.

Business capabilities are often organized into a hierarchy, with more general capabilities at the top and more specific ones at the bottom. For example, at the top level, a business might have a capability called “Marketing,” which encompasses all the activities and resources related to marketing the business’s products or services. Underneath that, there might be more specific capabilities like “Advertising,” “Public Relations,” and “Market Research.”

Understanding a business’s capabilities is important because it helps the business understand what it is capable of and where it may need to invest in order to improve or expand. It is also helpful for strategic planning and decision-making, as it can help a business identify opportunities to leverage its capabilities to achieve its goals.

Examples of digital business capabilities include:

Operating Model

A digital operating model is a framework that outlines how an organization uses technology to support and drive its business operations and processes. It is a way of organizing and managing the various digital tools and systems that are used to support the organization’s goals and objectives.

In a digital operating model, technology is viewed as a key enabler of the business, rather than just a support function. The model defines how different technology solutions will be used across the organization, as well as how they will be integrated and managed. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of different teams and individuals within the organization in relation to the use of technology.

Overall, the goal of a digital operating model is to help an organization use technology in a strategic and effective way to drive business value and growth.

Service Design

Digital service design is the process of creating and designing digital services, products, and experiences that are easy and intuitive for people to use. This can include anything from a website or mobile app, to a smart home device or virtual assistant.

The goal of digital service design is to create products and services that are user-friendly and provide value to the people who use them. This often involves understanding the needs and goals of the users, and designing the service in a way that meets those needs in a seamless and effective way.

Digital service design also often involves incorporating elements of user experience (UX) design and user interface (UI) design to create a cohesive and pleasant overall experience for the user.

Key stages to the service design process include:

  • Discovery: Exploring the problem
  • Alpha: Testing hypotheses
  • Beta: Building and testing the service
  • Live: Improving the service

Project Portfolio

A digital project portfolio is a collection of digital projects that a company or organization is currently working on or has completed. A digital project is any project that involves the use of technology, such as the development of a new software application, the creation of a website, or the implementation of a digital marketing campaign.

A digital project portfolio is typically managed by a project manager or a team of project managers, and it includes information about each project, such as its scope, budget, timeline, and resources. It is used to track the progress of each project, allocate resources, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

The purpose of a digital project portfolio is to help an organization manage its digital projects more effectively and ensure that they are aligned with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. By keeping track of all its digital projects in one place, an organization can better understand the resources it has available and make informed decisions about which projects to prioritize and invest in.

Key business outcomes from the project portfolio include:

  • Future state design to define the programme’s projects.
  • Programme management to establish the scope and sequence of projects and business benefits.
  • Transformation execution to implement projects and realise business benefits.

Business Benefits

Business benefits refer to the positive outcomes or advantages that a business receives from implementing a new process, system, or strategy. Some examples of business benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency: Implementing a new system or process can help a business become more efficient, which can lead to cost savings and increased productivity.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: A business that is able to provide better products or services to its customers can see an increase in customer satisfaction, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.
  • Increased revenue: Implementing a new marketing campaign or sales strategy can help a business increase its revenue by attracting new customers or increasing sales to existing customers.
  • Cost savings: Implementing new technologies or streamlining processes can help a business reduce its operating costs, which can lead to increased profitability.
  • Competitive advantage: A business that is able to differentiate itself from its competitors can gain a competitive advantage, which can help it attract and retain customers.

Investments and Finance

Digital investments refer to the resources (e.g. time, money, personnel) that a business puts into creating, maintaining, or improving its online presence and capabilities. Some examples of digital investments include website development, social media marketing, email marketing, online advertising, and e-commerce.

Finance, in the context of business, refers to the management of financial resources in order to achieve the goals of the business. This can include activities such as budgeting, forecasting, and decision-making around how to allocate financial resources.

In the context of digital investments, finance plays a role in determining how much a business is willing and able to invest in its digital presence and capabilities. This can involve evaluating the potential return on investment (ROI) of different digital investments, and making decisions about which investments will provide the greatest benefit to the business.

Overall, digital investments and finance are closely related, as the financial resources available to a business will impact its ability to make digital investments, and the success of those investments can have a financial impact on the business.

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