Customers and Partners

Optimising the Customer and Partner Experience

A Guide by Chris Dwyer


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, optimising the customer and partner experience is crucial for business success. Companies that prioritise seamless and satisfying interactions not only boost customer loyalty but also enhance partner relationships, driving overall business performance. 

Optimising the customer and partner experience is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires a strategic approach and investment in digital capabilities. By prioritising personalisation, seamless interactions, and effective collaboration, businesses can enhance satisfaction, loyalty, and overall performance. Business leaders must stay agile, continuously gather feedback, and leverage technology to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace.

This overview will guide business leaders in understanding the key strategies and digital capabilities required to elevate these experiences.

Understanding Customer and Partner Experience

Customer Experience (CX): Refers to the overall perception customers have of a company, based on their interactions throughout the customer journey. A positive CX can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Partner Experience (PX): Involves the quality of interactions and the ease of doing business with a company’s partners, including suppliers, distributors, and other collaborators. Effective PX fosters stronger partnerships, better collaboration, and mutual growth.

Key Strategies for Optimisation

Customer-Centric Approach

  • Personalisation: Use data analytics and AI to offer personalised recommendations and services.
  • Omnichannel Engagement: Ensure seamless experiences across various touchpoints (online, in-store, mobile).
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement systems to gather and act on customer feedback in real-time.

Streamlined Partner Management

  • Effective Communication: Maintain clear, consistent, and transparent communication channels.
  • Collaborative Platforms: Utilise digital platforms to facilitate easier collaboration and information sharing.
  • Incentive Programs: Design mutually beneficial incentive structures to strengthen partnerships.

Leveraging Digital Capabilities

  • Data Analytics: Employ advanced analytics to gain insights into customer and partner behaviors and preferences.
  • Automation: Streamline processes through automation to enhance efficiency and reduce errors.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Integrate AI and ML to predict needs, personalise interactions, and optimise supply chains.

Business Benefits

Increased Customer Satisfaction

  • Personalised experiences and responsive service lead to higher levels of satisfaction.
  • Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and continue doing business with the company.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty and Retention

  • Providing exceptional experiences fosters strong emotional connections.
  • Loyal customers are less likely to switch to competitors and are more likely to become repeat buyers.

Higher Revenue and Growth

  • Satisfied and loyal customers tend to spend more over their lifetime.
  • Positive experiences drive upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

Positive Word-of-Mouth and Brand Advocacy

  • Happy customers are more likely to recommend the brand to others.
  • Positive reviews and referrals can significantly reduce customer acquisition costs.

Improved Customer Insights

  • Optimising customer interactions generates valuable data and insights.
  • Companies can better understand customer preferences and behavior, informing strategic decisions.

Stronger Partner Relationships

  • Streamlined processes and effective communication enhance trust and collaboration.
  • Stronger relationships lead to more successful partnerships and mutual growth.

Increased Partner Productivity

  • Providing partners with the right tools and resources enables them to operate more efficiently.
  • Higher productivity results in better service and faster turnaround times.

Better Alignment and Integration

  • Optimised capabilities ensure that partners are aligned with the company’s goals and strategies.
  • Improved integration leads to more cohesive and coordinated efforts.

Enhanced Innovation and Co-Development

  • Collaborative platforms and open communication foster innovation.
  • Partners can contribute new ideas and co-develop solutions that benefit both parties.

Scalability and Flexibility

  • Efficient partner management systems allow for easy scaling of operations.
  • Companies can quickly adapt to market changes and expand their partner network as needed.

Competitive Advantage

  • Superior customer and partner experiences differentiate a company from its competitors.
  • A strong reputation for excellence attracts more customers and partners.

Operational Efficiency

  • Streamlined processes and effective use of technology reduce operational costs.
  • Efficient operations improve overall business performance and profitability.

Agility and Responsiveness

  • Optimised capabilities enable faster decision-making and response to market changes.
  • Companies can quickly adapt to new opportunities and challenges.

Enhanced Brand Reputation

  • Positive experiences contribute to a strong and positive brand image.
  • A reputable brand attracts and retains both customers and partners.

Long-Term Sustainability

  • Building strong relationships and delivering consistent value ensures long-term success.
  • Sustainable practices foster loyalty and stability in the business ecosystem.

Digital Experience Capabilities to Streamline

Digital Capabilities for Customer Experience

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Centralised platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot to manage customer interactions, track behaviour, and personalise engagements.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Tools like Google Analytics, Tableau, or Power BI to analyse customer data, gain insights into behaviour, and drive informed decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for 24/7 customer support.  ML algorithms for personalised recommendations and predictive analytics.

Omnichannel Integration

Platforms that unify customer interactions across various channels (web, mobile, social media, in-store) ensuring a seamless experience.  Tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk for consistent support across all touchpoints.

Marketing Automation

Solutions like Marketo or Mailchimp to automate marketing campaigns, segment audiences, and deliver personalised content.

Customer Feedback Systems

Tools like SurveyMonkey or Qualtrics to collect, analyse, and act on customer feedback in real-time.

Mobile Applications

Mobile apps providing easy access to products/services, account management, and customer support.

Social Media Management

Tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to manage and analyse social media interactions, enhancing customer engagement and brand presence.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Systems

Platforms like Salesforce PRM or Impartner to manage partner interactions, track performance, and facilitate collaboration.

Collaborative Platforms

Tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, or Asana for real-time communication, project management, and document sharing.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems

Solutions like SAP SCM or Oracle SCM Cloud to optimise supply chain operations, improve visibility, and enhance partner coordination.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Integrated ERP systems like SAP or Oracle ERP to streamline business processes and provide a unified view of operations.

Data Sharing and Integration

Secure data exchange platforms and APIs to facilitate seamless data sharing between partners.

E-commerce Platforms

Solutions like Shopify or Magento to manage B2B transactions, automate order processing, and track partner sales performance.

Incentive and Performance Management

Tools to design, manage, and track incentive programs, such as Xactly or Anaplan.

Training and Development Platforms

Learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle or Coursera for partner training and certification programs.

Cloud Computing

Cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to ensure scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of digital infrastructure.

Cybersecurity Measures

Robust security protocols and tools like firewalls, encryption, and identity management solutions to protect sensitive customer and partner data.

APIs and Integration Platforms

Solutions like MuleSoft or Dell Boomi to enable seamless integration of various digital tools and systems.

Automation and Workflow Management

Tools like UiPath or Automation Anywhere to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows across customer and partner interactions.

Customer and Partner Portals

Self-service portals provide customers and partners with easy access to information, resources, and support.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT devices and platforms to gather real-time data, enhance service delivery, and improve operational efficiency.

Value Streams for Customer Experience


Concept to End of Life
  • This stream spans the entire lifecycle of a product or service.
  • It starts with conceptualisation, moves through designdevelopmentproduction, and distribution, and eventually ends with product retirement.
Reach to Loyalty
  • The customer value stream covers activities related to acquiringserving, and retaining customers.
  • It includes marketing, sales, customer support, and relationship management.

Lead to Conversion

  • This value stream involves activities aimed at generating leads and converting them into customers through marketing and sales efforts.
  • It includes lead generation, lead nurturing, sales prospecting, pitching, negotiations, and closing deals to drive revenue growth.
Order to Cash
  • This value stream encompasses the entire process from receiving an order to delivering the product or service to the customer.
  • It includes activities such as order processing, inventory management, production, packaging, and shipping.
Inquiry to Resolution
  • This value stream addresses customer inquiries, issues, and complaints, providing timely and effective resolution to enhance satisfaction and loyalty.
  • It includes handling customer queries, troubleshooting problems, providing technical assistance, and ensuring positive interactions with customers.


Pursuit to Separation
  • The vendor value stream focuses on managing relationships with external suppliers and partners.
  • It includes activities such as vendor selection, contract negotiation, performance monitoring, and collaboration
Procure to Pay
  • The procurement value stream focuses on sourcingpurchasing, and paying for goods and services.
  • It involves supplier selection, negotiation, purchase orders, and payment processing.

Supply Chain Management

Source to Deliver
  • This value stream manages the flow of goods, information, and finances from suppliers to customers, optimizing efficiency and minimizing costs.
  • It includes sourcing, procurement, inventory management, logistics, distribution, and coordination with suppliers and partners.


Record to Report
  • The finance value stream involves financial transactionsreporting, and compliance.
  • It includes activities such as bookkeepingfinancial analysisbudgeting, and audit.
Conception to Compliance
  • This value stream ensures that products, services, and processes meet quality standards and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • It involves quality planning, inspection, testing, corrective actions, and continuous improvement initiatives to deliver high-quality outcomes.

Project Management

Initiation to Closure
  • This value stream involves planning, executing, monitoring, and closing projects to achieve specific goals within defined constraints.
  • It includes project initiation, scope definition, scheduling, resource allocation, progress tracking, risk management, and project closure activities.
Ideation to Innovation
  • This value stream focuses on generating new ideas, conducting research, and developing innovative products or technologies.
  • It involves activities such as market research, concept validation, prototype development, testing, and continuous innovation efforts.

Risk Management

Identification to Mitigation
  • This value stream identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks that could impact the organization’s objectives, assets, or reputation.
  • It involves risk identification, analysis, evaluation, mitigation planning, implementation of controls, and monitoring of risk levels and responses.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Preparation to Response
  • This value stream plans and prepares for potential disruptions, such as natural disasters or cybersecurity breaches, and implements strategies to ensure business continuity and recovery.
  • It involves risk assessments, business impact analysis, development of continuity plans, crisis management, emergency response, and post-incident recovery efforts.
Consumer Products and Services

E-Commerce Platforms

  • Local Examples: Mighty Ape, The Warehouse, Trade Me
  • Digital Solutions: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento
  • Key Features: Online storefronts, payment gateways, inventory management, order tracking, and customer reviews.

Online Banking and Fintech Solutions

  • Local Examples: ASB Bank, ANZ Bank, Xero
  • Digital Solutions: Custom mobile banking apps, integrated financial management systems
  • Key Features: Mobile banking, digital wallets, peer-to-peer payments, financial analytics, and budgeting tools.

Streaming and On-Demand Services

  • Local Examples: TVNZ, Sky Sports NZ, Neon, Lightbox
  • Digital Solutions: OTT platforms, video streaming apps
  • Key Features: Content delivery networks, subscription management, user analytics, and recommendation engines.

Telehealth and Online Medical Services

  • Local Examples: Healthline, MyCovidRecord
  • Digital Solutions: Telehealth platforms, mobile health apps
  • Key Features: Online consultations, electronic health records (EHR), appointment scheduling, and health tracking.

Food Delivery and Online Grocery

  • Local Examples: Uber Eats, Countdown, New World
  • Digital Solutions: Mobile ordering apps, logistics management systems
  • Key Features: Order tracking, real-time inventory management, delivery scheduling, and contactless payment.

Travel and Tourism Platforms

  • Local Examples: Air New Zealand, Wotif, BookMe
  • Digital Solutions: Booking engines, travel apps
  • Key Features: Flight and hotel booking, itinerary management, travel guides, and customer support.

Real Estate and Property Management

  • Local Examples: Trade Me Property,, Property Brokers
  • Digital Solutions: Property listing platforms, virtual tour apps
  • Key Features: Property search, virtual tours, online bidding, and property management tools.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

  • Local Examples: Salesforce New Zealand, HubSpot New Zealand
  • Digital Solutions: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Zoho CRM
  • Key Features: Customer data management, sales automation, marketing automation, and customer service tools.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

  • Local Examples: MYOB, Xero, SAP New Zealand
  • Digital Solutions: SAP, Oracle ERP, Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Key Features: Financial management, supply chain management, human resources, and inventory control.

Collaboration and Communication Tools

  • Local Examples: Spark Digital, Vodafone NZ, Chorus
  • Digital Solutions: Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom
  • Key Features: Instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management.

Marketing Automation and Analytics

  • Local Examples: Pure SEO, Digital Nomad, Insight Online
  • Digital Solutions: Marketo, HubSpot, Google Analytics
  • Key Features: Email marketing, lead nurturing, campaign management, and performance analytics.

Cloud Computing and Storage

  • Local Examples: AWS New Zealand, Microsoft Azure NZ, Datacom
  • Digital Solutions: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform
  • Key Features: Scalable storage, compute resources, database management, and cloud security.

Cybersecurity Solutions

  • Local Examples: Aura Information Security, Cyber Toa, RedShield
  • Digital Solutions: Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, Symantec
  • Key Features: Threat detection, firewall protection, endpoint security, and compliance management.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

  • Local Examples: Quantium, Data Insight, Stellar Consulting
  • Digital Solutions: Tableau, Power BI, SAS Analytics
  • Key Features: Data visualisation, predictive analytics, reporting, and dashboard creation.

Implementation Approach

Assess Current State

  • Conduct audits of current CX and PX to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Gather feedback from customers and partners through surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

Define Objectives and Metrics

  • Set clear, measurable goals for both CX and PX improvements.
  • Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer satisfaction (CSAT), and partner satisfaction scores.

Develop a Roadmap

  • Create a strategic plan outlining the initiatives, timelines, and resources needed to achieve the objectives.
  • Prioritise initiatives based on impact and feasibility.

Invest in Technology

  • Select and implement the right digital tools and platforms that support the desired improvements.
  • Ensure integration across systems for a cohesive digital ecosystem

Train and Engage Teams

  • Provide training to employees on new tools, processes, and customer-centric practices.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity.

Monitor and Iterate

  • Continuously monitor performance against the set KPIs.
  • Gather ongoing feedback and make iterative improvements to strategies and processes.

Goals, measurable outcomes, and financial impact

Customer Experience OKRs

Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Objective 1

Key Results:

  • Achieve a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 50+ within six months.
  • Increase customer retention rate by 20% over the next year.
  • Reduce customer churn rate to below 5% by the end of the fiscal year.
Objective 2

Key Results:

  • Reduce average response time for customer inquiries to under 1 hour.
  • Achieve a first contact resolution rate of 90%.
  • Implement a new customer support ticketing system by Q2.

Objective 3

Key Results:

  • Increase monthly active users on the customer portal by 30%.
  • Boost email open rates to 25% and click-through rates to 10%.
  • Launch a new customer loyalty program with 10,000 enrollments in the first six months.

Partner Experience OKRs

Strengthen Partner Relationships

Objective 1
  • Key Results:
    • Increase partner satisfaction score to 85% within the next year.
    • Conduct quarterly partner feedback sessions with 90% participation.
    • Implement a partner advisory board by Q3.
Objective 2

Key Results:

  • Provide training sessions to 100% of partners on new product features within one month of release.
  • Increase the number of co-marketing campaigns executed with partners by 25%.
  • Achieve a 15% increase in partner-generated leads.

Optimise Partner Support and Communication

Objective 3
  • Key Results:
    • Launch a dedicated partner portal with resources and tools by Q2.
    • Achieve a 95% satisfaction rate with the partner support desk.
    • Reduce the average resolution time for partner issues to under 2 days.

KPIs for Customer Experience (CX)

  • Measures customer loyalty by asking how likely customers are to recommend the company to others.
  • Indicates overall customer satisfaction and the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth.
  • Assesses customer satisfaction with a specific interaction or overall experience.
  • Typically measured through post-interaction surveys.
  • Evaluates how easy it is for customers to complete a desired action, such as resolving an issue or making a purchase.
  • Lower effort scores indicate a smoother customer experience.
  • Tracks the percentage of customers who continue to do business with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates indicate successful customer experience strategies.
  • Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account over the duration of their relationship.
  • Higher CLV suggests strong customer loyalty and effective upselling/cross-selling strategies.
  • Measures the percentage of customer inquiries or issues resolved on the first contact.
  • High FCR indicates efficient and effective customer service.
  • Tracks the average time taken to resolve customer issues or inquiries.
  • Shorter resolution times typically lead to higher customer satisfaction.
  • The percentage of customers who stop using the company’s products or services over a specific period.
  • A lower churn rate indicates better customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Includes metrics such as website visits, time spent on site, click-through rates, and social media interactions.
  • Higher engagement levels suggest a more compelling and effective customer experience.

KPIs for Partner Experience (PX)

  • Measures overall satisfaction levels of partners through surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • High satisfaction scores indicate strong partner relationships.
  • Tracks the percentage of partners who continue their relationship with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates suggest effective partner management and satisfaction.
  • Includes sales performance, revenue contribution, and growth rates of partners.
  • Higher performance metrics indicate productive and successful partnerships.
  • Measures the time taken to onboard new partners and get them fully operational.
  • Shorter onboarding times reflect efficient processes and effective support.
  • Tracks engagement through participation in training programs, use of partner portals, and attendance at events.
  • Higher engagement indicates active and committed partners.
  • Measures the revenue generated through partner channels as a percentage of total revenue.
  • Increasing revenue from partner channels suggests successful partner strategies.
  • Tracks the number and value of deals registered by partners and the progress of these deals through the pipeline.
  • Strong pipeline metrics indicate effective partner sales enablement.
  • Measures the percentage of partners completing training and certification programs.
  • High completion rates indicate partners are well-prepared and knowledgeable.
  • Similar to customer NPS, but focused on partners, assessing their likelihood to recommend the partnership.
  • Positive NPS from partners indicates strong relationship satisfaction.

Combined KPIs for Overall Experience and Capability

  • Measures overall revenue growth from both direct and partner channels.
  • Reflects the combined impact of customer and partner experience strategies.
  • Includes metrics such as process automation levels, cost savings, and time savings from optimized workflows.
  • Improved efficiency indicates effective use of digital capabilities.
  • Tracks the adoption and usage rates of digital tools and platforms by both customers and partners.
  • Higher adoption rates suggest successful digital transformation efforts.
  • Measures the speed and quality of responses to feedback from customers and partners.
  • Effective feedback loops indicate a responsive and adaptive organisation.


Income generated from customer purchases.

Income from service-related activities, such as support contracts.

Revenue generated through partner channels.


Direct costs related to the production of goods sold.

Expenses related to maintaining customer support operations, including salaries, technology, and training.

Costs of marketing campaigns, sales initiatives, and customer engagement activities.

Expenses related to partner recruitment, training, support, and co-marketing activities.

Investments in CRM systems, support ticketing systems, partner portals, and other related technology.

Expenses for customer and partner training programs.

Overheads such as office space, utilities, and general administration.


Revenue minus COGS.

Gross profit minus operating expenses (customer support, marketing, partner programs, technology, training, and operational costs).

Operating profit minus any additional expenses such as taxes and interest.

Benefits of My Expertise

Faster Delivery

My value stream management expertise accelerates product delivery, enhancing competitiveness and revenue.

Better Customer Experiences

By aligning teams around customer satisfaction, we ensure positive reviews and referrals.

Employee Engagement

Cross-functional collaboration enables employees to see the big picture, fostering engagement.

Data-Driven Investments

 Use insights to guide future investments.

Why Partner With Me

Together, let’s define and realise your digital ambitions, unlocking new opportunities for growth, innovation, and success.

Proven Track Record

With a track record of successful digital transformations across different business functions, I bring deep expertise and insights to the table.

Collaborative Approach

I believe in the power of collaboration and partnership, working hand-in-hand with business leaders and executives to co-create tailored solutions that drive meaningful business outcomes.

Future-Focused Vision

My forward-thinking approach ensures that your organisation remains poised for success in an ever-changing digital landscape, anticipating trends and embracing innovation to stay ahead of the curve.

What I Can Offer

Unlock the full potential of digital transformation with my strategic consultancy services tailored to meet the unique needs of business leaders.

Let's Get Started

Digital Leadership

Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

Investing in customer and partner capabilities involves allocating resources to various initiatives, technologies, and processes designed to improve interactions, satisfaction, and engagement. Key areas of investment include:

Technology Infrastructure

  • CRM Systems: Investing in a robust Customer Relationship Management system to streamline customer interactions, track engagement, and personalise experiences.
  • Partner Portals: Developing comprehensive partner portals to facilitate better communication, resource sharing, and collaboration.
  • Automation Tools: Implementing automation for marketing, sales, and support to enhance efficiency and reduce manual workload.
  • Customer Data Platforms (CDP): Investing in platforms that aggregate and analyse customer data to provide actionable insights.
  • Partner Performance Analytics: Tools to measure and analyse partner performance, helping to identify areas for improvement and growth.
  • Employee Training: Regular training programs for employees to enhance their skills in customer service, sales, and support.
  • Partner Training: Providing partners with the necessary training to effectively sell and support your products or services.
  • Enhanced Support Systems: Upgrading support systems to ensure timely and efficient resolution of customer and partner issues.
  • 24/7 Support Availability: Offering around-the-clock support services to cater to global customers and partners.
  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns: Investing in tools and strategies for personalised marketing to increase customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Co-Marketing with Partners: Collaborative marketing efforts with partners to expand reach and drive joint success.

The ROI for investments in customer and partner capabilities can be substantial, impacting various aspects of business performance. Here are some key benefits and metrics to consider:

Increased Revenue

  • Higher Customer Retention: Improved customer experience leads to higher retention rates, increasing the lifetime value of customers.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Enhanced understanding of customer needs enables more effective upselling and cross-selling, boosting revenue.
  • Partner-Driven Sales: Better-equipped and motivated partners can drive more sales, contributing to overall revenue growth.
  • Efficiency Gains: Automation and streamlined processes reduce the time and cost associated with customer and partner interactions.
  • Reduced Support Costs: Improved support systems lead to quicker resolutions and fewer escalations, reducing support costs.
  • Higher Satisfaction Scores: Investments in capabilities result in higher customer and partner satisfaction scores, which correlate with increased loyalty and advocacy.
  • Positive NPS: A higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) indicates that more customers and partners are likely to recommend your business, leading to organic growth.
  • Enhanced Support Systems: Upgrading support systems to ensure timely and efficient resolution of customer and partner issues.
  • 24/7 Support Availability: Offering around-the-clock support services to cater to global customers and partners.
  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns: Investing in tools and strategies for personalised marketing to increase customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Co-Marketing with Partners: Collaborative marketing efforts with partners to expand reach and drive joint success.

To effectively measure ROI, businesses should track the following metrics before and after investing in customer and partner capabilities:

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Track changes in CAC to see if improved experiences lead to more cost-effective customer acquisition.

Measure increases in CLV as a result of higher retention and increased spending.

Monitor reductions in churn rate, indicating improved customer loyalty.

Track overall revenue growth attributed to enhanced customer and partner capabilities.

Measure improvements in efficiency, such as reduced support response times and faster sales cycles.

Regularly survey customers and partners to track changes in satisfaction and NPS.

Real-Time Command Centre


Total Customers
Total Partners
Partner Satisfaction Score
Customer Engagement Rate
Partner Engagement Rate

Customer Experience Metrics

  • Measures customer loyalty by asking how likely customers are to recommend the company to others.
  • Indicates overall customer satisfaction and the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth.
  • Assesses customer satisfaction with a specific interaction or overall experience.
  • Typically measured through post-interaction surveys.
  • Evaluates how easy it is for customers to complete a desired action, such as resolving an issue or making a purchase.
  • Lower effort scores indicate a smoother customer experience.
  • Tracks the percentage of customers who continue to do business with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates indicate successful customer experience strategies.
  • Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account over the duration of their relationship.
  • Higher CLV suggests strong customer loyalty and effective upselling/cross-selling strategies.
  • Measures the percentage of customer inquiries or issues resolved on the first contact.
  • High FCR indicates efficient and effective customer service.
  • Tracks the average time taken to resolve customer issues or inquiries.
  • Shorter resolution times typically lead to higher customer satisfaction.
  • The percentage of customers who stop using the company’s products or services over a specific period.
  • A lower churn rate indicates better customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Includes metrics such as website visits, time spent on site, click-through rates, and social media interactions.
  • Higher engagement levels suggest a more compelling and effective customer experience.

Partner Experience Metrics

  • Measures overall satisfaction levels of partners through surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • High satisfaction scores indicate strong partner relationships.
  • Tracks the percentage of partners who continue their relationship with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates suggest effective partner management and satisfaction.
  • Includes sales performance, revenue contribution, and growth rates of partners.
  • Higher performance metrics indicate productive and successful partnerships.
  • Measures the time taken to onboard new partners and get them fully operational.
  • Shorter onboarding times reflect efficient processes and effective support.
  • Tracks engagement through participation in training programs, use of partner portals, and attendance at events.
  • Higher engagement indicates active and committed partners.
  • Measures the revenue generated through partner channels as a percentage of total revenue.
  • Increasing revenue from partner channels suggests successful partner strategies.
  • Tracks the number and value of deals registered by partners and the progress of these deals through the pipeline.
  • Strong pipeline metrics indicate effective partner sales enablement.
  • Measures the percentage of partners completing training and certification programs.
  • High completion rates indicate partners are well-prepared and knowledgeable.
  • Similar to customer NPS, but focused on partners, assessing their likelihood to recommend the partnership.
  • Positive NPS from partners indicates strong relationship satisfaction.

Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

Critical Incidents
High Priority Issues
New Feedback Entries
Incident Resolution Status
Issue Resolution Status
Negative Sentiment Alerts

Sentiment Analysis

Customer Sentiment

Positive %
Neutral %
Negative %
Trend Graph

Partner Sentiment

Positive %
Neutral %
Negative %
Trend Graph

Workflow and Automation Status

Running Workflows
Completed Workflows
Pending Workflows

Task Management

Pending Tasks
Completed Tasks
Overdue Tasks

Executive Summary Dashboard

Purpose: Provide an at-a-glance view of overall customer experience health.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer Effort Score (CES)
Average Response Time
Overall Customer Feedback Sentiment

Customer Journey Dashboard

Purpose: Visualise the customer journey across various touchpoints.

Funnel Analysis (Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Post-Purchase)
Drop-off Rates at Each Stage
Time Spent on Each Stage

Customer Feedback and Sentiment Dashboard

Purpose: Analyse customer feedback from different channels and understand sentiment.

Number of Feedbacks Received (per channel)
Positive, Negative, Neutral Sentiment Scores
Top Positive and Negative Keywords

Customer Support Performance Dashboard

Purpose: Monitor customer support effectiveness and efficiency.

First Response Time
Resolution Time
Ticket Volume (by channel)
Customer Satisfaction with Support

Social Media Engagement Dashboard

Purpose: Track social media interactions and brand perception.

Number of Mentions
Engagement Rate (likes, shares, comments)
Sentiment of Social Media Mentions
Top Influencers and Advocates

Sales and Conversion Dashboard

Purpose: Measure the impact of customer experience on sales and conversions.

Conversion Rate
Sales Volume (by channel)
Average Order Value
Cart Abandonment Rate

Customer Experience Metrics

Objective: To gain a 360-degree view of customer interactions to improve satisfaction, identify issues promptly, and optimise business processes.

  • Measures customer loyalty by asking how likely customers are to recommend the company to others.
  • Indicates overall customer satisfaction and the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth.
  • Assesses customer satisfaction with a specific interaction or overall experience.
  • Typically measured through post-interaction surveys.
  • Evaluates how easy it is for customers to complete a desired action, such as resolving an issue or making a purchase.
  • Lower effort scores indicate a smoother customer experience.
  • Tracks the percentage of customers who continue to do business with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates indicate successful customer experience strategies.
  • Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account over the duration of their relationship.
  • Higher CLV suggests strong customer loyalty and effective upselling/cross-selling strategies.
  • Measures the percentage of customer inquiries or issues resolved on the first contact.
  • High FCR indicates efficient and effective customer service.
  • Tracks the average time taken to resolve customer issues or inquiries.
  • Shorter resolution times typically lead to higher customer satisfaction.
  • The percentage of customers who stop using the company’s products or services over a specific period.
  • A lower churn rate indicates better customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Includes metrics such as website visits, time spent on site, click-through rates, and social media interactions.
  • Higher engagement levels suggest a more compelling and effective customer experience.

Executive Summary Dashboard

Purpose: Provide a high-level overview of the partner ecosystem.

Partner Satisfaction Score (PSS)
Net Promoter Score (NPS) for partners
Partner Retention Rate
Total Revenue from Partners
Overall Partner Feedback Sentiment

Partner Performance Dashboard

Purpose: Track and evaluate individual partner performance.

Sales Volume by Partner
Conversion Rate by Partner
Average Order Value (AOV) by Partner
Number of Leads Generated by Partner
Partner Performance Index

Partner Engagement Dashboard

Purpose: Monitor the level and quality of partner engagement.

Number of Partner Logins/Interactions
Training and Certification Completion Rates
Participation in Partner Programs
Communication Frequency (Emails, Meetings, Calls)

Partner Feedback and Sentiment Dashboard

Purpose: Analyse partner feedback and sentiment from various channels.

Number of Feedbacks Received (by channel)
Positive, Negative, Neutral Sentiment Scores
Top Positive and Negative Keywords

Supply Chain and Operations Dashboard

Purpose: Track operational efficiency and supply chain performance with partners.

On-Time Delivery Rate
Order Accuracy Rate
Inventory Turnover
Lead Time (Order to Delivery)

Revenue and Growth Dashboard

Purpose: Measure the financial impact and growth contributed by partners.

Total Revenue by Partner
Year-over-Year Growth
Profit Margins by Partner
Market Share Analysis

Partner Experience Metrics

Objective: To gain a comprehensive view of partner interactions, performance, and satisfaction to enhance collaboration and drive mutual growth.

  • Measures overall satisfaction levels of partners through surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • High satisfaction scores indicate strong partner relationships.
  • Tracks the percentage of partners who continue their relationship with the company over a specific period.
  • High retention rates suggest effective partner management and satisfaction.
  • Includes sales performance, revenue contribution, and growth rates of partners.
  • Higher performance metrics indicate productive and successful partnerships.
  • Measures the time taken to onboard new partners and get them fully operational.
  • Shorter onboarding times reflect efficient processes and effective support.
  • Tracks engagement through participation in training programs, use of partner portals, and attendance at events.
  • Higher engagement indicates active and committed partners.
  • Measures the revenue generated through partner channels as a percentage of total revenue.
  • Increasing revenue from partner channels suggests successful partner strategies.
  • Tracks the number and value of deals registered by partners and the progress of these deals through the pipeline.
  • Strong pipeline metrics indicate effective partner sales enablement.
  • Measures the percentage of partners completing training and certification programs.
  • High completion rates indicate partners are well-prepared and knowledgeable.
  • Similar to customer NPS, but focused on partners, assessing their likelihood to recommend the partnership.
  • Positive NPS from partners indicates strong relationship satisfaction.

Customer Experience Alerts Dashboard

Objective: To provide instant notifications and visualisations of critical events affecting customer experiences.

Current Active Alerts Summary

Critical Alerts (Red)

Issues that require immediate attention and action to prevent significant negative impact on the business or customers.

Warning Alerts (Yellow)

Issues that are important but not immediately critical. These should be monitored closely and addressed in a timely manner to prevent escalation.

Information Alerts (Blue)

Notifications that provide useful information but do not require immediate action. These can help in identifying trends and preparing for potential future issues.

Real-Time Trend Lines

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Drops

Alert when CSAT drops below a certain threshold.

Spike in Negative Feedback

Alert when there is a sudden increase in negative feedback or complaints.

High Customer Support Response Time

Alert when average response time exceeds a predefined limit.

Increase in Churn Rate

Alert when there is a noticeable increase in the churn rate.

Website/Service Downtime

Alert when the website or service is down or experiencing issues.

Detailed Alert Log and Heatmap

Alert Log

A list of recent alerts with timestamps, severity, and status.

Alert Heatmap

Visual representation of alert frequency over time.

Real-Time Trend Lines

Visualise metrics in real-time to see how they evolve leading up to an alert.

Alert Log

Timestamp Alert Title Severity Description Status Action Taken
2024-06-17 10:00
CSAT Drop Below 60%
🔴 Red
CSAT dropped to 58%
To be Assigned
2024-06-17 09:45
Increase in Negative Feedback
🟡 Yellow
Negative feedback up by 20%
In Progress

Partner Experience Alerts Dashboard

Objective: To provide instant notifications and visualisations of critical events affecting partner experiences.

Current Active Alerts Summary

Critical Alerts (Red)

Issues that require immediate attention and action to prevent significant negative impact on the business or customers.

Warning Alerts (Yellow)

Issues that are important but not immediately critical. These should be monitored closely and addressed in a timely manner to prevent escalation.

Information Alerts (Blue)

Notifications that provide useful information but do not require immediate action. These can help in identifying trends and preparing for potential future issues.

Real-Time Trend Lines

Partner Performance Drops

Alert when a partner’s performance metrics (e.g., sales volume, conversion rate) fall below a certain threshold.

Delayed Deliveries

Alert when delivery times exceed agreed timelines

Inventory Shortages

Alert when inventory levels fall below a critical level.

Unresolved Partner Support Tickets

Alert when there is an accumulation of unresolved support tickets.

Revenue Decline

Alert when partner-generated revenue drops significantly.

Detailed Alert Log and Heatmap

Alert Log

A list of recent alerts with timestamps, severity, and status.

Alert Heatmap

Visual representation of alert frequency over time.

Real-Time Trend Lines

Visualise metrics in real-time to see how they evolve leading up to an alert.

Alert Log

Timestamp Alert Title Severity Description Status Action Taken
2024-06-17 10:00
Major Delivery Delay
🔴 Red
Delivery delayed by 5 days
To be Assigned
2024-06-17 09:45
Performance Drop in Partner X
🟡 Yellow
Partner X sales down by 15%
In Progress

Customer Experience Sentiment Analysis Dashboard

Purpose: To monitor and analyse customer feedback in real-time, providing insights into customer satisfaction and identifying key areas for improvement to enhance overall customer experience

Overall Sentiment Summary

Overall Sentiment Score

An aggregate score representing the overall sentiment from customer feedback.

Sentiment Trend

A line chart showing sentiment scores over time.

Positive Sentiment Percentage

Percentage of feedback classified as positive.

Negative Sentiment Percentage

Percentage of feedback classified as negative.

Neutral Sentiment Percentage

 Percentage of feedback classified as neutral.

Sentiment Breakdown

Feedback Source Distribution

Pie chart or bar chart showing the distribution of feedback sources (e.g., social media, surveys, customer support tickets).

Sentiment by Source

 Bar chart displaying sentiment scores by feedback source.

Detailed Sentiment Analysis

Word Cloud

Visualisation of the most common words in customer feedback, with words sized according to frequency.

Top Positive Keywords

List of keywords frequently mentioned in positive feedback.

Top Negative Keywords

List of keywords frequently mentioned in negative feedback.

Recent Feedback

Table showing the most recent feedback entries with sentiment classification and scores.

Recent Feedback Log

Timestamp Feedback Sentiment
2024-06-17 10:00
Great service!
2024-06-17 09:45
Slow response time
2024-06-17 07:15
Easy to use

Partner Experience Sentiment Analysis Dashboard

Purpose: To track and evaluate partner feedback, offering a comprehensive view of partner satisfaction and performance, and identifying opportunities to strengthen partner relationships and support.

Overall Sentiment Summary

Overall Sentiment Score

An aggregate score representing the overall sentiment from partner feedback.

Sentiment Trend

A line chart showing sentiment scores over time.

Positive Sentiment Percentage

Percentage of feedback classified as positive.

Negative Sentiment Percentage

Percentage of feedback classified as negative.

Neutral Sentiment Percentage

 Percentage of feedback classified as neutral.

Sentiment Breakdown

Feedback Source Distribution

Pie chart or bar chart showing the distribution of feedback sources (e.g., partner portals, surveys, email communications).

Sentiment by Source

Bar chart displaying sentiment scores by feedback source.

Detailed Sentiment Analysis

Word Cloud

Visualisation of the most common words in partner feedback, with words sized according to frequency.

Top Positive Keywords

List of keywords frequently mentioned in positive feedback.

Top Negative Keywords

List of keywords frequently mentioned in negative feedback.

Recent Feedback

Table showing the most recent feedback entries with sentiment classification and scores.

Recent Feedback Log

Timestamp Feedback Sentiment
2024-06-17 10:00
Very reliable partner
2024-06-17 09:45
Delayed shipments
2024-06-17 07:15
Supportive team

Customer Experience Workflow Status Dashboard

Purpose: To provide real-time visibility into the status and progress of customer-related workflows, ensuring efficient handling of customer interactions and timely resolution of issues to enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Overall Workflow Summary

Total Workflows

Display the total number of active workflows.

Upcoming Deadlines

List of workflows with imminent deadlines.

Completed Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows completed.

In Progress Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows currently in progress.

Delayed Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows that are behind schedule.

Workflow Status Breakdown

Workflow Stage Distribution

Pie chart or bar chart showing the distribution of workflows across different stages (e.g., initiation, planning, execution, closure).

Workflow Progress Timeline

Gantt chart or progress bars displaying the timeline and current status of key workflows.

Detailed Workflow Analysis

Top Delayed Workflows

List of workflows with the longest delays, including details like responsible team, delay duration, and reasons for delay.

  • Workflow X (10 days delayed)
  • Workflow Y (7 days delayed)
Workflow Efficiency Metrics

Bar chart showing average time to completion, average delay time, and efficiency ratios for different workflow stages.

  • Avg Time to Completion: 12 days
  • Avg Delay Time: 2 days
  • Efficiency Ratio: 85%
Recent Workflow Updates

Table displaying recent updates or changes in workflow statuses, with timestamps and comments.

  • Workflow Z updated by Team A
  • Workflow W started by Team B

Key Customer Experience Workflows

Workflow Name Description
Customer Onboarding
Process of welcoming and orienting new customers to products/services.
Customer Support Ticket Management
Handling and resolving customer issues and inquiries through support tickets.
Product/Service Delivery
Ensuring timely and accurate delivery of products/services to customers.
Customer Feedback Collection
Gathering feedback from customers through surveys, reviews, or feedback forms.
Complaint Resolution
Addressing and resolving customer complaints effectively and promptly.
Account Management
Managing customer accounts, updates, and modifications to services.
Customer Renewals
Managing the renewal process for customer subscriptions or contracts.
Upsell/Cross-sell Campaigns
Initiating and executing campaigns to upsell or cross-sell additional products/services.
Loyalty Programs
Managing customer loyalty programs, rewards, and incentives.
Customer Satisfaction Monitoring
Monitoring and assessing customer satisfaction levels through surveys or sentiment analysis.
Customer Experience Improvement
Implementing improvements based on customer feedback and satisfaction metrics.
Billing and Payments
Managing customer invoices, billing inquiries, and payment processing.

Partner Experience Workflow Status Dashboard

Purpose: To monitor and manage the status of workflows involving partners, ensuring smooth collaboration, timely completion of tasks, and proactive management of partner relationships to drive mutual success and satisfaction.

Overall Workflow Summary

Total Workflows

Display the total number of active workflows involving partners.

Upcoming Deadlines

List of workflows with imminent deadlines.

Completed Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows completed.

In Progress Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows currently in progress.

Delayed Workflows

Number and percentage of workflows that are behind schedule.

Workflow Status Breakdown

Workflow Stage Distribution

Pie chart or bar chart showing the distribution of workflows across different stages (e.g., initiation, planning, execution, closure).

Workflow Progress Timeline

Gantt chart or progress bars displaying the timeline and current status of key workflows.

Detailed Workflow Analysis

Top Delayed Workflows

List of workflows with the longest delays, including details like responsible partner, delay duration, and reasons for delay.

  • Workflow P (8 days delayed)
  • Workflow Q (5 days delayed)
Workflow Efficiency Metrics

Bar chart showing average time to completion, average delay time, and efficiency ratios for different workflow stages.

  • Avg Time to Completion: 15 days
  • Avg Delay Time: 3 days
  • Efficiency Ratio: 80%
Recent Workflow Updates

Table displaying recent updates or changes in workflow statuses, with timestamps and comments.

  • Workflow R updated by Team A
  • Workflow S started by Team B

Key Partner Experience Workflows

Workflow Name Description
Partner Onboarding
Process of welcoming and integrating new partners into business operations.
Partner Relationship Management
Maintaining ongoing relationships with partners, including communications and support.
Contract Negotiation and Management
Negotiating, drafting, and managing contracts and agreements with partners.
Partner Training and Certification
Providing training programs and certifications to partners on products/services.
Performance Monitoring
Monitoring partner performance metrics such as sales targets, service levels, etc.
Lead Distribution
Distributing leads or opportunities to partners based on predefined criteria.
Co-Marketing Campaigns
Planning and executing joint marketing campaigns with partners.
Joint Business Planning
Collaborating with partners on strategic business plans and objectives.
Revenue Sharing and Commissions
Managing revenue sharing agreements, commissions, and payouts to partners.
Partner Feedback Collection
Gathering feedback from partners to improve collaboration and satisfaction.
Dispute Resolution
Resolving conflicts or disputes with partners effectively and fairly.
Partner Enablement
Providing tools, resources, and support to help partners succeed in selling products/services.

Business Model

Clearly define and communicate the unique value delivered to customers. This could include superior product quality, exceptional customer service, personalised experiences, and innovative solutions.

Articulate the benefits for partners, such as access to new markets, co-branding opportunities, shared technology, and training resources.

Develop multiple revenue streams to reduce dependency on any single source. This could include subscription models, premium services, consulting, and partnerships.

Implement pricing strategies that reflect the value provided to customers and partners, such as tiered pricing, usage-based pricing, or performance-based incentives.

Adopt lean principles to reduce waste and optimise resource allocation. This includes automating repetitive tasks, outsourcing non-core activities, and improving process efficiencies.

Utilise shared resources and infrastructure to reduce costs. For example, joint marketing campaigns and shared technology platforms for partners.

Form strategic alliances with key partners to leverage complementary strengths and capabilities. This can enhance the value delivered to both customers and partners.

Develop a robust partner ecosystem that includes technology partners, service providers, and channel partners. This ecosystem can drive innovation and expand market reach.

Provide multiple channels for customers and partners to engage with the business, ensuring a seamless experience across all touchpoints.

Implement systems to regularly collect feedback from customers and partners, using this data to drive continuous improvement.

  • Personalised Experiences: Use data analytics to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations to customers.
  • Innovative Solutions: Continuously innovate and update products and services to meet changing customer needs.
  • Superior Support: Provide exceptional customer support through multiple channels, ensuring quick resolution of issues.
  • Joint Marketing Campaigns: Collaborate with partners on marketing campaigns to increase reach and impact.
  • Co-Development Programs: Engage partners in co-development programs to create new products and services.
  • Revenue Sharing Models: Implement revenue-sharing models that incentivise partners to drive mutual growth.
  • Subscription Services: Offer subscription-based services for continuous revenue.
  • Freemium Models: Provide basic services for free while charging for premium features.
  • Consulting and Training: Offer consulting and training services to add value and generate additional revenue.
  • Process Automation: Automate routine processes to reduce operational costs.
  • Outsourcing: Outsource non-core activities to specialised providers.
  • Resource Optimisation: Optimise the use of resources, including technology and personnel, to enhance efficiency.
  • Customer and Partner Portals: Develop portals that provide easy access to resources, support, and information.
  • Regular Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback and measure satisfaction.
  • Community Platforms: Create community platforms where customers and partners can interact, share ideas, and provide feedback.

Operating Model

Define a clear vision and set specific goals for customer and partner experience. Ensure these align with overall business objectives.

Articulate the unique value propositions for both customers and partners, focusing on their needs and expectations.

Establish strong leadership and governance structures to oversee and drive experience initiatives.

Create dedicated teams for customer experience (CX) and partner experience (PX), ensuring they collaborate closely.

Promote collaboration across departments (e.g., marketing, sales, IT, support) to ensure a unified approach.

Clearly define roles and responsibilities to avoid overlaps and ensure accountability.

  • Streamlined Processes: Simplify and streamline processes to reduce friction and improve efficiency.
  • Customer and Partner Journeys: Map out detailed customer and partner journeys, identifying touchpoints and optimizing each stage.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implement continuous improvement practices, regularly reviewing and refining processes based on feedback and performance data.
  • Integrated Platforms: Utilise integrated platforms (e.g., CRM, PRM, CMS) to manage interactions and data seamlessly.
  • Automation: Leverage automation to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up resources for more strategic activities.
  • Advanced Analytics: Employ advanced analytics to gain insights into behavior, preferences, and performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Foster a culture that prioritises customer and partner needs, encouraging empathy and proactive problem-solving.

Empower employees to make decisions that enhance the customer and partner experience.

Invest in ongoing training and development to equip teams with the skills and knowledge required to deliver exceptional experiences.

Define clear KPIs and metrics to measure the success of experience initiatives.

Regularly monitor performance against these metrics, identifying areas for improvement.

Establish robust feedback loops to gather input from customers, partners, and employees.

  • Simplified Onboarding: Develop a simplified, efficient onboarding process that reduces time to value.
  • Personalised Training: Offer personalised training programs tailored to individual needs and preferences.
  • Onboarding Portals: Create dedicated onboarding portals with all necessary resources, guides, and support.
  • Centralised Support Hub: Implement a centralised support hub for managing all customer and partner inquiries.
  • Self-Service Options: Provide comprehensive self-service options, including knowledge bases, FAQs, and chatbots.
  • Omnichannel Support: Offer support through multiple channels (e.g., phone, email, chat) to meet diverse needs.
  • Innovation Labs: Establish innovation labs where customers, partners, and employees can collaborate on new ideas and solutions.
  • Joint Development Programs: Launch joint development programs with partners to co-create products and services.
  • Customer and Partner Councils: Form councils to gather input and feedback on strategic initiatives and improvements.
  • Innovation Labs: Establish innovation labs where customers, partners, and employees can collaborate on new ideas and solutions.
  • Joint Development Programs: Launch joint development programs with partners to co-create products and services.
  • Customer and Partner Councils: Form councils to gather input and feedback on strategic initiatives and improvements.
  • Experience Platforms: Implement platforms like Salesforce Experience Cloud or Microsoft Dynamics 365 for unified management of customer and partner experiences.
  • Journey Orchestration: Use journey orchestration tools to design, implement, and optimise customer and partner journeys.
  • Personalisation Engines: Deploy personalisation engines to deliver tailored content and recommendations.

Business Architecture

Customer Journey Mapping and Management

  • Objective: Understand and optimise the entire customer journey.
  • Steps:
    1. Identify and document all customer touchpoints.
    2. Map out the customer journey from awareness to post-purchase.
    3. Analyse customer emotions, needs, and pain points at each stage.
    4. Continuously update the journey map based on customer feedback and data.

Customer Data Management

  • Objective: Collect, store, and analyse customer data to drive insights and decisions.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
    2. Collect data from various sources (website, social media, sales, support).
    3. Ensure data quality and integrity.
    4. Use analytics tools to generate insights and identify trends.

Personalisation and Targeting

  • Objective: Deliver personalised experiences and offers.
  • Steps:
    1. Segment customers based on demographics, behavior, and preferences.
    2. Develop personalised content, offers, and communications for each segment.
    3. Use AI and machine learning to enhance personalisation efforts.
    4. Monitor and adjust personalisation strategies based on performance.

Omnichannel Strategy and Integration

  • Objective: Provide a seamless experience across all customer touchpoints.
  • Steps:
    1. Ensure consistent messaging and service quality across all channels (online, mobile, in-store, social media).
    2. Integrate customer data across all channels for a unified view.
    3. Enable customers to switch between channels without losing continuity.
    4. Track customer interactions and preferences across channels.

Customer Feedback and Voice of the Customer (VoC)

  • Objective: Gather and act on customer feedback to drive improvements.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement feedback mechanisms (surveys, reviews, social media monitoring).
    2. Collect feedback at various stages of the customer journey.
    3. Analyse feedback to identify trends, issues, and opportunities.
    4. Use insights to make data-driven improvements and close the feedback loop.

Customer Support and Service

  • Objective: Provide effective and timely support to resolve customer issues.
  • Steps:
    1. Set up multiple support channels (phone, email, chat, social media).
    2. Train support teams on best practices and product knowledge.
    3. Implement a knowledge base for self-service.
    4. Monitor support performance metrics (First Contact Resolution, average resolution time).

Customer Loyalty and Retention Programs

  • Objective: Enhance customer loyalty and reduce churn.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop and implement loyalty programs (rewards, points, exclusive offers).
    2. Segment loyalty programs based on customer value and behavior.
    3. Monitor program participation and effectiveness.
    4. Adjust programs based on customer feedback and performance metrics.

Customer Engagement and Communication

  • Objective: Maintain ongoing engagement with customers.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop a communication strategy that includes regular updates, newsletters, and personalised messages.
    2. Use social media to interact with customers and build a community.
    3. Organise events, webinars, and other engagement activities.
    4. Track engagement metrics and adjust strategies as needed.

Product and Service Quality Management

  • Objective: Ensure high-quality products and services that meet customer expectations.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement quality control processes in product and service delivery.
    2. Collect and analyse customer feedback on product and service quality.
    3. Use insights to drive continuous improvement.
    4. Monitor quality metrics and address issues promptly.

Customer Education and Empowerment

  • Objective: Educate customers about products and services to enhance their experience.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop and provide educational content (tutorials, guides, FAQs).
    2. Implement a knowledge base and help center for self-service.
    3. Offer training and onboarding sessions for new customers.
    4. Monitor usage and effectiveness of educational resources

Performance Monitoring and Reporting

  • Objective: Continuously monitor and report on CX performance.
  • Steps:
    1. Define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) for CX.
    2. Use dashboards and reporting tools to visualise performance data.
    3. Conduct regular reviews and audits of CX processes.
    4. Make data-driven decisions to improve CX strategies.+

Partner Recruitment and Onboarding

  • Objective: Attract and integrate new partners effectively.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop a clear partner value proposition.
    2. Identify and target potential partners.
    3. Create a structured onboarding program.
    4. Provide comprehensive training and resources.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

  • Objective: Maintain strong, productive relationships with partners.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement a PRM system to manage interactions and data.
    2. Assign dedicated partner managers.
    3. Schedule regular check-ins and reviews.
    4. Foster open communication and collaboration.

Partner Enablement and Training

  • Objective: Equip partners with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop training programs and certification courses.
    2. Provide access to a knowledge base and resources.
    3. Offer ongoing education and skill development.
    4. Monitor training participation and effectiveness.

Partner Support and Resources

  • Objective: Ensure partners have the support they need to thrive.
  • Steps:
    1. Establish multiple support channels (phone, email, portal).
    2. Provide a dedicated partner support team.
    3. Create a self-service portal with FAQs and documentation.
    4. Track and resolve partner issues promptly.

Partner Performance Monitoring and Management

  • Objective: Track and enhance partner performance.
  • Steps:
    1. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for partners.
    2. Monitor partner activities and outcomes.
    3. Provide regular performance feedback.
    4. Implement improvement plans for underperforming partners.

Incentive and Reward Programs

  • Objective: Motivate and recognise partners for their contributions.
  • Steps:
    1. Design incentive programs (commissions, bonuses, rewards).
    2. Communicate program details and criteria clearly.
    3. Track partner achievements and program participation.
    4. Adjust incentives based on partner feedback and performance data.

Partner Communication and Collaboration

  • Objective: Facilitate effective communication and collaboration.
  • Steps:
    1. Establish regular communication channels (newsletters, webinars, meetings).
    2. Use collaboration tools (Microsoft Teams, Slack) for real-time interaction.
    3. Share updates on products, services, and strategies.
    4. Encourage feedback and active participation from partners.

Partner Marketing and Co-Branding

  • Objective: Support partners in their marketing efforts.
  • Steps:
    1. Provide marketing materials and templates.
    2. Offer co-branding opportunities and guidelines.
    3. Collaborate on joint marketing campaigns and events.
    4. Track the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

Joint Business Planning and Strategy Development

  • Objective: Align partner activities with company goals.
  • Steps:
    1. Develop joint business plans with key partners.
    2. Set mutual goals and objectives.
    3. Review and adjust plans regularly.
    4. Ensure strategic alignment through continuous collaboration.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Objective: Use partner feedback to drive mutual growth and improvement.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement regular feedback mechanisms (surveys, forums, direct communications).
    2. Analyse feedback to identify common challenges and opportunities.
    3. Collaborate with partners to develop and implement improvement initiatives.
    4. Monitor the impact of changes and adjust as necessary.

Compliance and Risk Management

  • Objective: Ensure partners comply with legal, regulatory, and ethical standards.
  • Steps:
    1. Communicate compliance requirements clearly.
    2. Provide training on compliance and risk management.
    3. Monitor partner activities for compliance.
    4. Address any compliance issues promptly and effectively.

Technology and Integration Support

  • Objective: Facilitate seamless technology integration and usage.
  • Steps:
    1. Provide technical documentation and support.
    2. Offer integration tools and APIs.
    3. Assist partners with technical issues and integrations.
    4. Ensure compatibility and interoperability with partner systems.

Data Integration and Analytics

  • Objective: Leverage data to improve experiences and decision-making.
  • Steps:
    1. Integrate customer and partner data into a unified system.
    2. Use analytics tools to gain insights into behaviors and trends.
    3. Apply insights to optimise interactions and strategies.

Technology and Digital Tools

  • Objective: Utilise digital tools to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Steps:
    1. Implement CRM and PRM systems.
    2. Adopt automation and AI tools for personalisation and support.
    3. Ensure secure and seamless integration of all digital platforms.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

  • Objective: Regularly assess and improve processes.
  • Steps:
    1. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for both CX and PX.
    2. Conduct regular audits and reviews of processes.
    3. Implement iterative improvements based on performance data and feedback.

Customer Journey Mapping

  • Objective: Visualise the entire customer journey to identify key touchpoints, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Steps:
    1. Identify Stages: Break down the customer journey into stages (awareness, consideration, purchase, post-purchase, loyalty).
    2. Touchpoints: Identify all touchpoints where customers interact with the brand.
    3. Emotions & Needs: Map customer emotions, needs, and pain points at each touchpoint.
    4. Data Collection: Gather data from various sources (surveys, analytics, feedback) to inform the journey map.
    5. Iterative Updates: Regularly update the journey map based on new data and feedback.

Personalisation and Targeting

  • Objective: Deliver personalised experiences that meet individual customer needs and preferences.
  • Steps:
    1. Data Collection: Gather customer data including demographics, behavior, preferences, and purchase history.
    2. Segmentation: Segment customers into distinct groups based on the collected data.
    3. Personalised Content: Create personalised content, offers, and communication for each segment.
    4. Automation: Use automation tools to deliver personalised experiences at scale.
    5. Feedback Loop: Continuously gather feedback and adjust personalisation strategies accordingly.

Omnichannel Strategy

  • Objective: Provide a seamless experience across all customer touchpoints and channels.
  • Steps:
    1. Channel Integration: Ensure integration of all channels (online, mobile, in-store, social media) to provide a unified experience.
    2. Consistent Messaging: Maintain consistent messaging and branding across all channels.
    3. Customer Data: Centralise customer data to ensure seamless transitions between channels.
    4. Real-Time Support: Offer real-time support options across channels (live chat, social media responses).
    5. Track Interactions: Monitor and track customer interactions across all channels for insights.

Customer Feedback and Insights

  • Objective: Use customer feedback to drive continuous improvement in the customer experience.
  • Steps:
    1. Feedback Mechanisms: Implement various feedback mechanisms (surveys, reviews, social media listening).
    2. Data Analysis: Analyse feedback to identify trends, common issues, and opportunities.
    3. Actionable Insights: Translate feedback into actionable insights for improvement.
    4. Customer Advisory Boards: Establish customer advisory boards for regular input.
    5. Feedback Loop: Implement a feedback loop to inform customers about actions taken based on their feedback.

Customer Support and Service

  • Objective: Provide effective and timely support to resolve customer issues and enhance satisfaction.
  • Steps:
    1. Multi-Channel Support: Offer support through various channels (phone, email, chat, social media).
    2. Knowledge Base: Develop a comprehensive knowledge base and self-service portal.
    3. Training: Train support teams on best practices and product knowledge.
    4. Support Metrics: Monitor support performance metrics (First Contact Resolution, average resolution time).
    5. Customer Follow-Up: Follow up with customers to ensure their issues are fully resolved.

Partner Onboarding

  • Objective: Efficiently integrate new partners into the ecosystem with comprehensive onboarding.
  • Steps:
    1. Onboarding Materials: Develop comprehensive onboarding materials and training programs.
    2. Account Setup: Assist partners with account setup and initial configurations.
    3. Orientation Sessions: Conduct orientation sessions to familiarise partners with tools and processes.
    4. Dedicated Support: Provide dedicated support during the onboarding phase.
    5. Feedback Collection: Collect feedback on the onboarding process to make improvements.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

  • Objective: Maintain strong, productive relationships with partners.
  • Steps:
    1. PRM System: Implement a PRM system to manage partner interactions and data.
    2. Dedicated Managers: Assign dedicated partner managers for personalised support.
    3. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins and business reviews.
    4. Resource Sharing: Provide partners with access to necessary resources and tools.
    5. Collaborative Planning: Engage in joint business planning and strategy development.

Partner Enablement and Training

  • Objective: Equip partners with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.
  • Steps:
    1. Training Programs: Develop and deliver training programs and certification courses.
    2. Resource Library: Create a resource library with guides, templates, and best practices.
    3. Ongoing Education: Offer ongoing education opportunities to keep partners updated.
    4. Webinars and Workshops: Host webinars and workshops for skill development.
    5. Training Effectiveness: Monitor training participation and assess its effectiveness.

Partner Support and Resources

  • Objective: Ensure partners have the support and resources they need.
  • Steps:
    1. Support Channels: Establish multiple support channels (phone, email, portal).
    2. Dedicated Support Team: Provide a dedicated support team for partners.
    3. Self-Service Portal: Develop a self-service portal with FAQs and documentation.
    4. Issue Resolution: Track and resolve partner issues promptly.
    5. Resource Updates: Regularly update and expand available resources.

Incentive and Reward Programs

  • Objective: Motivate and recognise partners for their contributions.
  • Steps:
    1. Incentive Programs: Design and implement incentive programs (commissions, bonuses, rewards).
    2. Clear Criteria: Clearly communicate the criteria and structure of incentive programs.
    3. Performance Tracking: Track partner performance and achievements.
    4. Recognition: Publicly recognise and reward top-performing partners.
    5. Program Adjustments: Adjust incentive programs based on feedback and results.

Unified Data Integration and Analytics

  • Objective: Leverage data from both customers and partners for comprehensive insights.
  • Steps:
    1. Integrated Systems: Integrate CRM and PRM systems for a unified view.
    2. Data Quality: Ensure data quality and integrity across systems.
    3. Advanced Analytics: Use advanced analytics tools to generate insights.
    4. Data-Driven Decisions: Apply insights to optimise both CX and PX strategies.
    5. Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor and analyse data for ongoing improvements.

Omnichannel Experience

  • Objective: Provide a seamless omnichannel experience for both customers and partners.
  • Steps:
    1. Channel Consistency: Maintain consistent messaging and branding across channels.
    2. Centralised Data: Centralise data to ensure seamless transitions between channels.
    3. Real-Time Support: Offer real-time support options across channels.
    4. Track Interactions: Monitor and track interactions across channels for insights.
    5. Feedback Integration: Integrate feedback from all channels to improve the experience.

Collaborative Engagement and Communication

  • Objective: Foster strong engagement and communication with both customers and partners.
  • Steps:
    1. Regular Updates: Develop a communication strategy with regular updates (newsletters, announcements).
    2. Engagement Activities: Organise events, webinars, and engagement activities.
    3. Social Media Interaction: Use social media to interact and build a community.
    4. Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms for continuous input.
    5. Two-Way Communication: Encourage two-way communication for collaboration and feedback.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting

  • Objective: Continuously monitor and report on performance for both CX and PX.
  • Steps:
    1. KPIs: Define and track key performance indicators for CX and PX.
    2. Dashboards: Use dashboards and reporting tools to visualise performance data.
    3. Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews and audits of processes.
    4. Data-Driven Improvements: Make data-driven decisions to improve strategies.
    5. Transparency: Ensure transparency in reporting and share insights with stakeholders.

Welcome and Onboarding Communications

  • Objective: Make new customers feel welcomed and guide them through initial setup.
  • Components:
    • Welcome Email: Personalised welcome message with a brief introduction to the brand and next steps.
    • Onboarding Series: A series of emails or messages guiding customers through key features, how-tos, and tips.
    • Interactive Tutorials: Videos or interactive guides to help customers understand the product/service.

Transactional Communications

  • Objective: Keep customers informed about their transactions and ensure transparency.
  • Components:
    • Order Confirmations: Detailed order summary and estimated delivery times.
    • Shipping Notifications: Updates on the shipping status with tracking information.
    • Billing and Payment Receipts: Clear and detailed receipts of payments made.

Promotional Communications

  • Objective: Drive engagement and sales through targeted promotions and offers.
  • Components:
    • Newsletters: Regular updates on new products, features, and company news.
    • Special Offers: Personalised discounts, deals, and promotions based on customer behavior and preferences.
    • Seasonal Campaigns: Themed campaigns around holidays, sales events, or special occasions.

Support and Service Communications

  • Objective: Provide timely assistance and build confidence in the support process.
  • Components:
    • Support Tickets: Acknowledgment and updates on support requests.
    • Live Chat: Real-time assistance through website chat or messaging apps.
    • Follow-Up Messages: Post-resolution check-ins to ensure customer satisfaction.

Feedback and Survey Communications

  • Objective: Gather insights to improve products, services, and overall experience.
  • Components:
    • Post-Purchase Surveys: Feedback requests after purchase or service completion.
    • NPS Surveys: Net Promoter Score surveys to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction.
    • Feedback Requests: Periodic requests for feedback on products, services, and overall experience.

Recruitment and Onboarding Communications

  • Objective: Attract potential partners and smoothly integrate them into the partnership program.
  • Components:
    • Recruitment Campaigns: Emails, ads, and messages highlighting the benefits of partnering.
    • Onboarding Welcome Pack: Comprehensive welcome kit with essential information and next steps.
    • Training Invitations: Invitations to onboarding sessions, webinars, and training programs.

Regular Updates and Newsletters

  • Objective: Keep partners informed about new products, services, and business updates.
  • Components:
    • Monthly Newsletters: Regular updates on company news, product launches, and partnership opportunities.
    • Product Updates: Detailed information about new products, features, and enhancements.
    • Market Insights: Sharing market trends, industry news, and competitive analysis.

Performance and Incentive Communications

  • Objective: Motivate partners through performance tracking and incentives.
  • Components:
    • Performance Reports: Regular updates on performance metrics and KPIs.
    • Incentive Announcements: Information about new incentive programs, bonuses, and rewards.
    • Recognition Messages: Public recognition of top-performing partners.

Support and Resource Communications

  • Objective: Provide partners with the necessary support and resources to succeed.
  • Components:
    • Support Notifications: Updates on support requests and resolutions.
    • Resource Sharing: Distribution of guides, toolkits, and best practices.
    • Training Invitations: Invitations to ongoing training sessions, webinars, and workshops.

Collaborative Planning and Feedback

  • Objective: Foster collaboration and gather partner feedback to improve the partnership.
  • Components:
    • Business Planning Meetings: Regular meetings to discuss strategy, goals, and plans.
    • Feedback Surveys: Periodic surveys to gather partner feedback on the partnership program.
    • Collaboration Platforms: Use of platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time collaboration.

Unified Branding and Messaging

  • Objective: Ensure consistency in communication across all touchpoints.
  • Components:
    • Brand Guidelines: Clear guidelines on tone, style, and messaging.
    • Consistent Templates: Use of standardised templates for emails, newsletters, and communications.
    • Omnichannel Presence: Consistent messaging across all channels (email, social media, website).

Integrated Feedback Systems

  • Objective: Collect and act on feedback from both customers and partners.
  • Components:
    • Surveys and Polls: Regular surveys to gather insights from both groups.
    • Feedback Portals: Dedicated portals for submitting feedback and suggestions.
    • Actionable Insights: Analysing feedback to drive improvements and inform strategy.

Engagement Campaigns

  • Objective: Enhance engagement through targeted campaigns.
  • Components:
    • Joint Webinars and Events: Hosting events that involve both customers and partners.
    • Cross-Promotions: Joint promotions that benefit both customers and partners.
    • Community Building: Building online communities where customers and partners can interact and share insights.

Crisis and Change Communications

  • Objective: Manage communications effectively during crises or significant changes.
  • Components:
    • Crisis Management Plans: Pre-defined plans for communication during a crisis.
    • Transparent Updates: Regular updates to keep customers and partners informed.
    • Support and Guidance: Providing support and guidance to navigate changes.

Digital Channels

  • Website:
    • Touchpoints: Homepage, product pages, contact forms, support pages, blog, and checkout process.
    • Optimisation: Ensure mobile responsiveness, fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and engaging content.
  • Mobile App:
    • Touchpoints: App homepage, user profile, in-app purchases, notifications, and support.
    • Optimisation: User-friendly interface, personalised experiences, and real-time updates.
  • Email:
    • Touchpoints: Welcome emails, promotional emails, transactional emails, and newsletters.
    • Optimisation: Personalised content, clear calls to action, and mobile-friendly design.
  • Social Media:
    • Touchpoints: Posts, comments, messages, and ads on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
    • Optimisation: Engaging content, timely responses, and active community management.

Physical Channels

  • Retail Stores:
    • Touchpoints: Storefront, product displays, checkout counters, and customer service desks.
    • Optimisation: Attractive layout, helpful staff, and efficient checkout process.
  • Events and Trade Shows:
    • Touchpoints: Booths, demonstrations, and networking opportunities.
    • Optimisation: Engaging presentations, knowledgeable staff, and follow-up communications.

Customer Support Channels

  • Call Centers:
    • Touchpoints: Inbound and outbound calls.
    • Optimisation: Trained support agents, quick resolution times, and personalised assistance.
  • Live Chat:
    • Touchpoints: Website chat widgets and in-app chat features.
    • Optimisation: Instant responses, helpful bots, and smooth handoffs to human agents.
  • Help Desk and Ticketing Systems:
    • Touchpoints: Support tickets, email support, and knowledge base.
    • Optimisation: Efficient ticket management, detailed knowledge base articles, and proactive support.

Post-Purchase Channels

  • Customer Surveys and Feedback:
    • Touchpoints: Post-purchase surveys, NPS surveys, and review requests.
    • Optimisation: Easy-to-complete surveys, follow-up on feedback, and visible improvements based on input.
  • Loyalty Programs:
    • Touchpoints: Reward points tracking, exclusive offers, and loyalty account management.
    • Optimisation: Clear reward structures, personalised offers, and seamless integration across channels.

Onboarding and Training Channels

  • Partner Portals:
    • Touchpoints: Account setup, onboarding materials, and training resources.
    • Optimisation: User-friendly portal, comprehensive resources, and interactive training modules.
  • Webinars and Workshops:
    • Touchpoints: Live and recorded sessions.
    • Optimisation: Engaging content, interactive Q&A, and follow-up materials.

Collaboration and Communication Channels

  • Email:
    • Touchpoints: Regular updates, performance reports, and newsletters.
    • Optimisation: Clear and relevant content, segmented communication, and action-oriented messages.
  • Collaboration Platforms:
    • Touchpoints: Slack, Microsoft Teams, or other collaborative tools.
    • Optimisation: Active participation, clear guidelines, and regular updates.
  • Business Planning Meetings:
    • Touchpoints: In-person or virtual meetings.
    • Optimisation: Structured agendas, clear objectives, and actionable outcomes.

Support and Resource Channels

  • Dedicated Support Lines:
    • Touchpoints: Phone support and email support.
    • Optimisation: Knowledgeable staff, quick response times, and effective problem resolution.
  • Partner Resource Library:
    • Touchpoints: Access to guides, templates, and best practices.
    • Optimisation: Regularly updated resources, easy navigation, and comprehensive content.

Performance and Incentive Channels

  • PRM Systems:
    • Touchpoints: Performance dashboards, incentive tracking, and reporting tools.
    • Optimisation: Real-time data, clear metrics, and transparent reporting.
  • Recognition Programs:
    • Touchpoints: Announcements, awards, and public recognition.
    • Optimisation: Fair criteria, regular updates, and meaningful rewards.

Unified Digital Platforms

  • Integrated Websites and Portals:
    • Touchpoints: Unified access for customers and partners to relevant information and resources.
    • Optimization: Seamless navigation, personalized content, and single sign-on (SSO) capabilities.
  • Shared Mobile Apps:
    • Touchpoints: Access to both customer and partner functionalities.
    • Optimization: Clear user segmentation, relevant notifications, and comprehensive features.

Consistent Communication Channels

  • Email Campaigns:
    • Touchpoints: Coordinated email campaigns targeting both audiences.
    • Optimization: Segmented lists, personalized messages, and integrated tracking.
  • Social Media:
    • Touchpoints: Shared posts, joint announcements, and community engagement.
    • Optimization: Cross-promotion, consistent branding, and active interaction.


Support and Feedback Channels

  • Unified Support Systems:
    • Touchpoints: Combined support ticketing, shared knowledge bases, and integrated help desk.
    • Optimization: Efficient ticket routing, comprehensive articles, and proactive support.
  • Integrated Feedback Mechanisms:
    • Touchpoints: Joint surveys, shared feedback portals, and collaborative improvement initiatives.
    • Optimization: Regular analysis, transparent communication, and actionable insights.

Engagement and Relationship Building Channels

  • Events and Webinars:
    • Touchpoints: Joint events, collaborative webinars, and shared networking opportunities.
    • Optimisation: Relevant content, interactive sessions, and follow-up engagement.
  • Community Platforms:
    • Touchpoints: Online forums, discussion boards, and social media groups.
    • Optimisation: Active moderation, valuable content, and inclusive participation.

Awareness Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Marketing Campaigns: Social media ads, email marketing, SEO, and content marketing.
    • Brand Awareness: Blog posts, webinars, and influencer partnerships.
  • Objective: Increase brand visibility and attract potential customers.
  • Key Actions:
    • Create targeted content to attract and engage the target audience.
    • Utilise analytics to track campaign effectiveness and adjust strategies.
    • Engage with prospects on social media and other platforms.

Consideration Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Website Visits: Product pages, case studies, and customer testimonials.
    • Free Trials/Demos: Offering free trials, product demos, or consultations.
    • Comparison Tools: Feature comparisons, buying guides, and FAQ sections.
  • Objective: Provide detailed information to help prospects evaluate options.
  • Key Actions:
    • Optimise website content for clarity and relevance.
    • Provide interactive and engaging demos or trials.
    • Ensure easy access to detailed product information and comparisons.

Purchase Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • E-commerce Platform: Product selection, shopping cart, and checkout process.
    • Customer Support: Live chat, phone support, and email assistance.
    • Payment and Confirmation: Secure payment gateways and order confirmation emails.
  • Objective: Facilitate a smooth and secure transaction process.
  • Key Actions:
    • Streamline the checkout process to minimise friction.
    • Provide multiple payment options and ensure security.
    • Send clear order confirmation and follow-up emails.

Post-Purchase Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Delivery and Tracking: Shipping notifications and delivery tracking.
    • Customer Support: Post-purchase support and return/exchange policies.
    • Feedback Requests: Post-purchase surveys and review requests.
  • Objective: Ensure customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business.
  • Key Actions:
    • Communicate proactively about delivery status.
    • Provide exceptional post-purchase support.
    • Gather feedback and act on it to improve future experiences.

Loyalty Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Loyalty Programs: Reward points, exclusive offers, and VIP access.
    • Customer Communities: Online forums, social media groups, and events.
    • Personalised Communication: Tailored recommendations and special offers.
  • Objective: Foster long-term loyalty and advocacy.
  • Key Actions:
    • Develop and promote a robust loyalty program.
    • Engage customers through community-building activities.
    • Use data to personalise communication and offers.

Recruitment Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Outreach Campaigns: Emails, social media, and industry events.
    • Information Sessions: Webinars, presentations, and introductory meetings.
    • Application Process: Online applications, assessments, and interviews.
  • Objective: Attract and select suitable partners.
  • Key Actions:
    • Develop targeted outreach strategies.
    • Provide clear information about partnership benefits and requirements.
    • Streamline the application and selection process.

Onboarding Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Welcome Kits: Onboarding materials, guides, and initial training.
    • Account Setup: Assistance with account creation and setup.
    • Orientation Sessions: Training sessions, webinars, and workshops.
  • Objective: Integrate new partners into the ecosystem effectively.
  • Key Actions:
    • Provide comprehensive onboarding resources and support.
    • Conduct thorough training and orientation programs.
    • Ensure partners are equipped with necessary tools and information.

Engagement and Enablement Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Training Programs: Ongoing training, certification courses, and skill development workshops.
    • Resource Access: Partner portals, knowledge bases, and marketing materials.
    • Regular Communication: Newsletters, updates, and performance reports.
  • Objective: Empower partners to succeed and stay engaged.
  • Key Actions:
    • Offer continuous training and development opportunities.
    • Ensure easy access to necessary resources and support.
    • Maintain regular, clear communication about updates and performance.

Performance and Incentive Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Performance Tracking: Dashboards, reports, and KPIs.
    • Incentive Programs: Bonuses, rewards, and recognition schemes.
    • Business Reviews: Regular check-ins, strategy sessions, and feedback meetings.
  • Objective: Motivate and reward partners for their contributions.
  • Key Actions:
    • Monitor and communicate performance metrics.
    • Design and implement effective incentive programs.
    • Conduct regular business reviews and feedback sessions.

Sustained Partnership Stage

  • Touchpoints:
    • Joint Initiatives: Co-marketing campaigns, product collaborations, and events.
    • Community Building: Partner forums, networking events, and collaborative platforms.
    • Renewal and Growth: Contract renewals, expansion opportunities, and growth support.
  • Objective: Maintain and grow the partnership.
  • Key Actions:
    • Initiate and support joint business activities.
    • Foster a sense of community and collaboration among partners.
    • Identify and support opportunities for partnership growth and renewal.

Awareness and Attraction

  • Touchpoints:
    • Joint Marketing Efforts: Collaborative campaigns, co-branded content, and shared social media.
    • Industry Events: Conferences, trade shows, and joint presentations.
  • Objective: Attract both customers and partners through unified efforts.
  • Key Actions:
    • Plan and execute joint marketing strategies.
    • Leverage partner networks to reach a broader audience.
    • Participate in industry events to showcase collaborative success.

Onboarding and Training

  • Touchpoints:
    • Unified Onboarding Portals: Shared access to onboarding materials and resources.
    • Collaborative Training: Joint training sessions, webinars, and workshops.
  • Objective: Efficiently onboard and train both groups.
  • Key Actions:
    • Develop comprehensive onboarding programs that serve both customers and partners.
    • Conduct collaborative training sessions to foster mutual understanding.
    • Provide unified resources and support.

Engagement and Enablement

  • Touchpoints:
    • Integrated Platforms: Shared portals for accessing resources and support.
    • Regular Updates: Combined newsletters, performance reports, and updates.
  • Objective: Keep both customers and partners engaged and empowered.
  • Key Actions:
    • Create integrated platforms for seamless resource access.
    • Maintain regular communication that addresses both groups’ needs.
    • Offer continuous training and development opportunities.

Feedback and Improvement

  • Touchpoints:
    • Joint Surveys: Combined feedback forms, satisfaction surveys, and NPS surveys.
    • Community Forums: Platforms for customers and partners to share insights and feedback.
  • Objective: Gather and act on feedback from both groups.
  • Key Actions:
    • Conduct joint feedback surveys to gain comprehensive insights.
    • Foster a community where both groups can provide feedback.
    • Implement changes based on the collected feedback to improve experiences.

Loyalty and Advocacy

  • Touchpoints:
    • Reward Programs: Loyalty programs for customers and incentive programs for partners.
    • Joint Events: Exclusive events, webinars, and networking opportunities.
  • Objective: Foster loyalty and advocacy among both customers and partners.
  • Key Actions:
    • Develop programs that reward loyalty and performance.
    • Organise joint events to build strong relationships.
    • Encourage and support advocacy initiatives from both groups.

Information Architecture

  • Purpose: To understand the needs, behaviors, and motivations of your users.
  • Components: Detailed profiles of different user types to guide design decisions.
  • Purpose: To ensure your content is usable by all people, including those with disabilities.
  • Components: Adhering to standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
  • Purpose: To assess and catalog existing content.
  • Components: Comprehensive lists of current content, its quality, and usage.
  • Purpose: To structure content in a way that makes sense to users.
  • Components: Categorization, hierarchy, and grouping of information.
  • Purpose: To define the structure and relationships of different content types.
  • Components: Templates and guidelines for content creation.
  • Purpose: To create engaging and efficient user interactions.
  • Components: Design of user interfaces, interactive elements, and user flows.
  • Purpose: To visualise the structure and flow of information.
  • Components: Sitemaps, flowcharts, and wireframes.
  • Purpose: To establish rules and responsibilities for managing content.
  • Components: Policies, workflows, and roles for content management.
  • Purpose: To measure and improve the effectiveness of your content.
  • Components: User analytics, feedback mechanisms, and performance metrics.

Technology Architecture

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

  • Key Platforms: Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM.
  • Functions:
    • Centralised customer data management.
    • Tracking customer interactions and sales pipeline.
    • Automating marketing and sales tasks.
    • Analysing customer behavior and trends.

Marketing Automation Platforms

  • Key Platforms: Marketo, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign.
  • Functions:
    • Automating email marketing campaigns.
    • Segmenting customers for targeted campaigns.
    • Tracking campaign performance and ROI.
    • Personalising marketing messages based on customer behavior.

E-commerce Platforms

  • Key Platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento.
  • Functions:
    • Managing online stores and product catalogs.
    • Handling transactions and payment processing.
    • Providing secure checkout experiences.
    • Offering customer accounts and order tracking

Customer Support and Help Desk Systems

  • Key Platforms: Zendesk, Freshdesk, Help Scout.
  • Functions:
    • Managing customer support tickets.
    • Providing multi-channel support (email, chat, phone).
    • Creating and maintaining a knowledge base.
    • Analysing support metrics and customer satisfaction.

Social Media Management Tools

  • Key Platforms: Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social.
  • Functions:
    • Scheduling and managing social media posts.
    • Monitoring social media interactions and engagement.
    • Analysing social media performance.
    • Engaging with customers across social platforms.

Customer Feedback and Survey Tools

  • Key Platforms: SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Qualtrics.
  • Functions:
    • Creating and distributing surveys.
    • Collecting and analysing customer feedback.
    • Measuring customer satisfaction and NPS.
    • Identifying areas for improvement based on feedback.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Systems

  • Key Platforms: Impartner, PartnerStack, Allbound.
  • Functions:
    • Centralising partner data and interactions.
    • Managing partner onboarding and training.
    • Tracking partner performance and incentives.
    • Facilitating partner communication and collaboration.

Training and Learning Management Systems (LMS)

  • Key Platforms: LearnUpon, TalentLMS, Docebo.
  • Functions:
    • Delivering online training and certification programs.
    • Tracking partner progress and completion.
    • Offering interactive and engaging training content.
    • Providing analytics on training effectiveness.

Collaboration and Communication Tools

  • Key Platforms: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom.
  • Functions:
    • Enabling real-time communication and collaboration.
    • Hosting virtual meetings and webinars.
    • Sharing documents and resources.
    • Integrating with other business systems for seamless workflows.

Performance Tracking and Analytics Platforms

  • Key Platforms: Tableau, Power BI, Google Analytics.
  • Functions:
    • Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) for partners.
    • Analysing sales performance and growth metrics.
    • Providing insights through dashboards and reports.
    • Identifying trends and opportunities for improvement.

Resource and Content Management Systems

  • Key Platforms: Box, SharePoint, Google Drive.
  • Functions:
    • Storing and sharing marketing and sales materials.
    • Providing access to training guides and resources.
    • Managing version control and document collaboration.
    • Ensuring secure and organised resource distribution.


Unified CRM and PRM Systems

  • Key Platforms: Salesforce, Zoho CRM.
  • Functions:
    • Integrating customer and partner data in a single platform.
    • Managing interactions and relationships holistically.
    • Coordinating marketing, sales, and support activities.
    • Analysing combined performance metrics.

Integrated Marketing Automation and Communication Tools

  • Key Platforms: HubSpot, Marketo.
  • Functions:
    • Automating campaigns for both customers and partners.
    • Personalising communication based on segmented audiences.
    • Tracking engagement across multiple channels.
    • Coordinating joint marketing efforts.

Comprehensive E-commerce and PRM Solutions

  • Key Platforms: Magento, Shopify Plus.
  • Functions:
    • Managing online sales and partner transactions.
    • Providing seamless purchase and partnership experiences.
    • Handling multi-channel commerce and partner programs.
    • Offering unified dashboards for sales and partner performance.

Advanced Analytics and BI Tools

  • Key Platforms: Tableau, Power BI.
  • Functions:
    • Analysing combined customer and partner data.
    • Providing insights into overall business performance.
    • Identifying opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.
    • Tracking satisfaction and loyalty metrics.

Holistic Support and Feedback Systems

  • Key Platforms: Zendesk, Freshdesk.
  • Functions:
    • Managing support tickets for both customers and partners.
    • Providing multi-channel support and self-service options.
    • Collecting and analysing feedback from both groups.
    • Ensuring continuous improvement based on feedback insights.

Lead Generation and Nurturing

  • Workflow:
    • Capture leads from various sources (website forms, social media, ads).
    • Automatically add leads to the CRM system.
    • Segment leads based on criteria (e.g., behavior, demographics).
    • Trigger personalised email campaigns to nurture leads.
  • Automation Tools: HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce.
  • Benefits: Increased lead engagement, efficient lead management, personalised communication.

Sales Process Automation

  • Workflow:
    • Assign leads to sales representatives based on predefined criteria.
    • Automate follow-up emails and reminders.
    • Track sales pipeline stages and trigger next steps automatically.
    • Generate and send quotes and proposals.
  • Automation Tools: Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM.
  • Benefits: Reduced manual effort, faster sales cycles, improved tracking and reporting.

Customer Onboarding

  • Workflow:
    • Send welcome emails and onboarding materials upon purchase.
    • Schedule product demos or training sessions.
    • Automatically provide access to relevant resources (guides, videos).
    • Monitor onboarding progress and send reminders for incomplete steps.
  • Automation Tools: Intercom, WalkMe, HubSpot.
  • Benefits: Smooth onboarding process, enhanced customer satisfaction, better resource utilisation.

Customer Support

  • Workflow:
    • Automatically create support tickets from incoming queries (email, chat, phone).
    • Assign tickets to appropriate support agents based on expertise.
    • Send automated acknowledgments and status updates to customers.
    • Trigger follow-up surveys after ticket resolution.
  • Automation Tools: Zendesk, Freshdesk, ServiceNow.
  • Benefits: Efficient ticket handling, faster response times, improved customer communication.

Customer Feedback and Surveys:

    • Trigger post-purchase or post-interaction surveys.
    • Automatically collect and analyse feedback.
    • Route feedback to relevant teams for action.
    • Send thank-you emails and update customers on actions taken.
  • Automation Tools: SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Qualtrics.
  • Benefits: Continuous feedback loop, actionable insights, enhanced customer engagement.

Partner Recruitment and Onboarding

  • Workflow:
    • Capture partner applications from the website or outreach campaigns.
    • Automatically screen and categorise applicants.
    • Send welcome emails and onboarding instructions.
    • Schedule initial training and orientation sessions.
  • Automation Tools: Impartner, PartnerStack, Salesforce PRM.
  • Benefits: Efficient partner onboarding, consistent communication, streamlined training.

Partner Training and Certification

  • Workflow:
    • Enroll partners in training programs based on their roles.
    • Automatically track training progress and completion.
    • Issue certifications upon successful completion of courses.
    • Schedule periodic refresher courses and updates.
  • Automation Tools: LearnUpon, TalentLMS, Docebo.
  • Benefits: Continuous partner education, standardised training, improved partner performance.

Partner Communication and Collaboration

  • Workflow:
    • Distribute regular newsletters and updates automatically.
    • Schedule and send reminders for upcoming webinars and events.
    • Provide access to a shared repository of resources and tools.
    • Facilitate communication through integrated chat and collaboration platforms.
  • Automation Tools: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom.
  • Benefits: Consistent communication, enhanced collaboration, better resource sharing.

Performance Tracking and Incentives

  • Workflow:
    • Automatically track partner performance metrics (sales, leads generated).
    • Calculate and distribute incentives based on predefined criteria.
    • Generate and share performance reports with partners.
    • Trigger recognition and rewards programs.
  • Automation Tools: Salesforce PRM, Impartner, Tableau.
  • Benefits: Transparent performance tracking, timely incentives, motivated partners.

Joint Marketing and Co-Branding

  • Workflow:
    • Plan and execute co-branded marketing campaigns.
    • Automate the distribution of marketing materials to partners.
    • Track campaign performance and gather feedback.
    • Adjust campaigns based on performance data.
  • Automation Tools: HubSpot, Marketo, Hootsuite.
  • Benefits: Coordinated marketing efforts, expanded reach, data-driven adjustments.

Integrated CRM and PRM Workflows

  • Workflow:
    • Synchronise customer and partner data in a unified system.
    • Track interactions and transactions across both groups.
    • Automate communication based on combined data insights.
    • Generate comprehensive reports covering both customer and partner metrics.
  • Automation Tools: Salesforce, Zoho CRM.
  • Benefits: Holistic view of relationships, streamlined data management, informed decision-making.

Joint Marketing Automation

  • Workflow:
    • Segment audiences to include both customers and partners.
    • Trigger personalised campaigns for joint events and promotions.
    • Automate follow-ups and engagement activities.
    • Track and analyse the performance of joint campaigns.
  • Automation Tools: HubSpot, Marketo.
  • Benefits: Cohesive marketing efforts, broader engagement, optimised campaign performance.

Unified Support and Feedback Systems

  • Workflow:
    • Centralise support ticket management for customers and partners.
    • Automate ticket routing and escalation based on issue type.
    • Collect and analyse feedback from both groups.
    • Implement continuous improvement initiatives based on feedback.
  • Automation Tools: Zendesk, Freshdesk.
  • Benefits: Efficient support processes, comprehensive feedback insights, enhanced service quality.

CRM Integration

  • Platforms: Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM.
  • APIs: Salesforce API, HubSpot API, Zoho CRM API.
  • Functions:
    • Centralise customer data from various sources.
    • Enable real-time data synchronisation across platforms.
    • Automate customer segmentation and targeting.
    • Integrate with marketing automation tools to streamline campaigns.

Marketing Automation Integration

  • Platforms: Marketo, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign.
  • APIs: Marketo API, Mailchimp API, ActiveCampaign API.
  • Functions:
    • Connect CRM systems to marketing platforms.
    • Automate email campaigns and customer journeys.
    • Track and analyse marketing performance.
    • Personalise communication based on customer behavior and data.

E-commerce Integration

  • Platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento.
  • APIs: Shopify API, WooCommerce API, Magento API.
  • Functions:
    • Synchronise product data and inventory management.
    • Automate order processing and fulfillment.
    • Integrate with CRM and ERP systems for seamless data flow.
    • Provide personalised shopping experiences based on customer data.

Customer Support Integration

  • Platforms: Zendesk, Freshdesk, Help Scout.
  • APIs: Zendesk API, Freshdesk API, Help Scout API.
  • Functions:
    • Centralise support tickets from multiple channels.
    • Automate ticket routing and escalation.
    • Integrate with CRM for a unified view of customer interactions.
    • Provide real-time support analytics and reporting.

Social Media Integration

  • Platforms: Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social.
  • APIs: Hootsuite API, Buffer API, Sprout Social API.
  • Functions:
    • Schedule and manage social media posts across platforms.
    • Monitor social media engagement and interactions.
    • Track social media analytics and performance.
    • Integrate with CRM to enhance customer profiles with social data.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Integration

  • Platforms: Impartner, PartnerStack, Allbound.
  • APIs: Impartner API, PartnerStack API, Allbound API.
  • Functions:
    • Centralise partner data and interactions.
    • Automate partner onboarding and training.
    • Track partner performance and incentives.
    • Facilitate partner communication and collaboration.

Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

  • Platforms: LearnUpon, TalentLMS, Docebo.
  • APIs: LearnUpon API, TalentLMS API, Docebo API.
  • Functions:
    • Enroll partners in training programs automatically.
    • Track progress and certification status.
    • Integrate with PRM and CRM systems for unified data.
    • Provide analytics on training effectiveness and partner performance.

Collaboration Tools Integration

  • Platforms: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom.
  • APIs: Slack API, Microsoft Teams API, Zoom API.
  • Functions:
    • Enable real-time communication and collaboration.
    • Integrate with PRM and CRM for unified workflows.
    • Schedule and manage virtual meetings and webinars.
    • Share documents and resources seamlessly.

Performance and Analytics Integration

  • Platforms: Tableau, Power BI, Google Analytics.
  • APIs: Tableau API, Power BI API, Google Analytics API.
  • Functions:
    • Aggregate data from various sources for comprehensive analysis.
    • Create dashboards and reports for partner performance.
    • Integrate with CRM and PRM systems for holistic insights.
    • Identify trends and opportunities for improvement.

Unified CRM and PRM Integration

  • Platforms: Salesforce, Zoho CRM.
  • APIs: Salesforce API, Zoho CRM API.
  • Functions:
    • Centralise data for both customers and partners.
    • Enable seamless data flow and synchronisation.
    • Automate workflows involving both groups.
    • Provide comprehensive reporting and analytics.

Integrated Marketing Automation

  • Platforms: HubSpot, Marketo.
  • APIs: HubSpot API, Marketo API.
  • Functions:
    • Coordinate marketing campaigns targeting both customers and partners.
    • Track engagement and performance across audiences.
    • Personalise communication for joint initiatives.
    • Integrate with CRM and PRM for unified data management.

Comprehensive Support and Feedback Systems

  • Platforms: Zendesk, Freshdesk.
  • APIs: Zendesk API, Freshdesk API.
  • Functions:
    • Centralise support tickets for customers and partners.
    • Automate ticket routing based on predefined rules.
    • Integrate with CRM and PRM for a unified support experience.
    • Collect and analyse feedback from both groups.

Advanced Analytics and BI Tools

  • Platforms: Tableau, Power BI.
  • APIs: Tableau API, Power BI API.
  • Functions:
    • Aggregate data from CRM, PRM, and other sources.
    • Create comprehensive dashboards and reports.
    • Analyse combined data for holistic insights.
    • Identify trends and opportunities for improvement across both experiences.
  • Test Automation Frameworks: Implement test automation frameworks to automate functional testing, regression testing, and integration testing of digital capabilities across the Fulfillment value stream.
  • Scripted Test Cases: Develop scripted test cases to validate end-to-end workflows, including order processing, inventory management, order fulfillment, and payment processing, ensuring that all critical scenarios are covered.
  • Continuous Integration and Testing: Integrate automated testing into the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to enable early detection of defects and ensure rapid feedback on code changes.
  • Load Testing: Conduct load testing to simulate realistic workloads and verify system performance under peak usage conditions, ensuring that digital capabilities can handle the expected volume of orders, transactions, and user interactions.
  • Scalability Testing: Assess the scalability of digital systems and infrastructure to accommodate growing demand and sudden spikes in traffic without degradation in performance or reliability.
  • Stress Testing: Perform stress testing to identify system bottlenecks, resource constraints, and failure points under extreme load conditions, ensuring robustness and resilience of digital capabilities.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Conduct vulnerability scanning and penetration testing of digital systems and applications to identify security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication weaknesses.
  • Data Protection Testing: Verify data encryption, access controls, and data masking techniques to protect sensitive information such as customer data, payment details, and order information from unauthorised access or disclosure.
  • Compliance Testing: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards related to data privacy, security, and confidentiality, such as GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOX.
  • Usability Testing: Engage real users to conduct usability testing of digital interfaces, including e-commerce websites, mobile apps, and self-service portals, to identify usability issues, navigation challenges, and accessibility barriers.
  • Cross-Device Testing: Test digital capabilities across various devices, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure consistent and intuitive user experiences across different platforms and devices.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor user interactions, engagement metrics, and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement and optimise user experiences based on real-time feedback and analytics insights.
  • Scenario Testing: Define and execute end-to-end scenario testing to validate the entire Fulfillment value stream, from order placement to order delivery and payment collection, ensuring seamless integration and functionality across all touchpoints.
  • Exception Handling: Test exception handling mechanisms and error recovery procedures to ensure that digital systems can gracefully handle unexpected scenarios, such as system failures, network outages, and payment processing errors.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Foster collaboration between QA teams, development teams, business stakeholders, and end users to align QA efforts with business requirements, priorities, and user expectations.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Conduct root cause analysis of defects, incidents, and performance issues to identify underlying causes, systemic issues, and opportunities for process improvements within the Fulfillment value stream.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops with customers, end users, and internal stakeholders to gather feedback, address pain points, and prioritise enhancements or optimisations to digital capabilities.
  • Iterative Refinement: Adopt an iterative approach to QA, continuously refining and enhancing digital capabilities based on feedback, analytics insights, and emerging business needs, ensuring ongoing alignment with evolving customer expectations and market dynamics.

Customer Onboarding and Engagement ART

  • Purpose: Improve the initial customer experience and drive engagement.
  • Key Teams:
    • Onboarding Specialists
    • Customer Success Managers
    • UX/UI Designers
    • Product Trainers
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing personalised onboarding journeys.
    • Automating onboarding processes.
    • Creating engaging welcome content and tutorials.
    • Monitoring early-stage customer engagement and feedback.

Customer Support and Service ART

  • Purpose: Enhance customer support efficiency and satisfaction.
  • Key Teams:
    • Support Agents
    • Knowledge Base Managers
    • Chatbot Developers
    • Incident Response Team
  • Core Activities:
    • Implementing multi-channel support solutions (chat, email, phone).
    • Developing AI-driven chatbots for initial support.
    • Maintaining and updating a comprehensive knowledge base.
    • Analysing support tickets to identify common issues and improvement areas.

Personalisation and Recommendation ART

  • Purpose: Deliver personalised experiences and recommendations.
  • Key Teams:
    • Data Scientists
    • Machine Learning Engineers
    • UX/UI Designers
    • Customer Insights Analysts
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing algorithms for personalised product recommendations.
    • Customising content based on user behavior and preferences.
    • Analysing customer data to identify trends and opportunities for personalisation.
    • Testing and refining personalisation strategies.

Customer Feedback and Insights ART

  • Purpose: Collect and analyse customer feedback to drive improvements.
  • Key Teams:
    • Feedback Collection Specialists
    • Data Analysts
    • Customer Experience Researchers
    • Product Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Designing and distributing surveys and feedback forms.
    • Analysing feedback data to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
    • Integrating feedback systems with CRM for holistic customer insights.
    • Implementing changes based on feedback to enhance the customer experience.

Omnichannel Experience ART

  • Purpose: Provide a seamless and consistent experience across all channels.
  • Key Teams:
    • Channel Managers (Web, Mobile, Social Media)
    • UX/UI Designers
    • Integration Engineers
    • Content Creators
  • Core Activities:
    • Ensuring consistency in design and messaging across all channels.
    • Integrating customer data across platforms for a unified experience.
    • Developing responsive and adaptive web and mobile interfaces.
    • Monitoring and optimising channel performance and customer interactions.

Product Improvement and Innovation ART

  • Purpose: Continuously enhance product features based on customer needs.
  • Key Teams:
    • Product Managers
    • Development Teams
    • UX Researchers
    • Quality Assurance Testers
  • Core Activities:
    • Conducting user research and usability testing.
    • Developing and releasing new product features iteratively.
    • Collecting and analysing user feedback post-release.
    • Ensuring product quality and reliability through continuous testing.

Customer Retention and Loyalty ART

  • Purpose: Increase customer retention and loyalty through targeted initiatives.
  • Key Teams:
    • Loyalty Program Managers
    • Customer Success Managers
    • Marketing Automation Specialists
    • Data Analysts
  • Core Activities:
    • Designing and managing loyalty programs and incentives.
    • Automating retention marketing campaigns.
    • Identifying at-risk customers and developing engagement strategies.
    • Analysing retention data to refine loyalty initiatives.

Partner Onboarding and Training ART

  • Purpose: Streamline the onboarding process and ensure partners are well-trained and equipped.
  • Key Teams:
    • Partner Onboarding Specialists
    • Training and Development Managers
    • LMS (Learning Management System) Administrators
    • Technical Support Engineers
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing automated onboarding workflows.
    • Creating and maintaining training programs and materials.
    • Conducting regular training sessions and certifications.
    • Providing technical support during the onboarding process.

Partner Relationship Management ART

  • Purpose: Enhance partner relationship management and collaboration.
  • Key Teams:
    • Partner Account Managers
    • Communication Specialists
    • Collaboration Tool Administrators
    • Partner Success Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Managing partner accounts and relationships.
    • Facilitating regular communication and collaboration via tools like Slack, Teams, etc.
    • Monitoring partner satisfaction and engagement.
    • Providing ongoing support and resources to partners.

Partner Performance and Incentives ART

  • Purpose: Track partner performance and manage incentive programs.
  • Key Teams:
    • Performance Analysts
    • Incentive Program Managers
    • Data Scientists
    • Partner Success Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Tracking and analysing partner performance metrics.
    • Developing and managing incentive and rewards programs.
    • Generating performance reports and dashboards.
    • Identifying and addressing performance improvement opportunities.

Joint Marketing and Co-Branding ART

  • Purpose: Facilitate joint marketing efforts and co-branding initiatives with partners.
  • Key Teams:
    • Marketing Managers
    • Content Creators
    • Digital Marketing Specialists
    • Partner Marketing Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Planning and executing joint marketing campaigns.
    • Creating co-branded marketing materials and assets.
    • Tracking and analysing the performance of joint marketing efforts.
    • Ensuring consistent brand messaging across all channels.

Partner Portal and Tools ART

  • Purpose: Develop and maintain a partner portal and associated tools.
  • Key Teams:
    • Web Developers
    • UX/UI Designers
    • Product Managers
    • IT Support Teams
  • Core Activities:
    • Designing and developing partner portal features and functionalities.
    • Ensuring seamless integration with other systems (CRM, LMS, etc.).
    • Continuously improving the portal based on partner feedback.
    • Providing technical support and maintenance for the portal.

Partner Feedback and Insights ART

  • Purpose: Collect and analyse partner feedback to drive improvements.
  • Key Teams:
    • Feedback Collection Specialists
    • Data Analysts
    • Partner Experience Researchers
    • Product Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Designing and distributing surveys and feedback forms.
    • Analysing feedback data to identify patterns and improvement areas.
    • Integrating feedback systems with PRM for holistic insights.
    • Implementing changes based on feedback to enhance the partner experience.

Partner Compliance and Risk Management ART

  • Purpose: Ensure partners comply with regulations and manage associated risks.
  • Key Teams:
    • Compliance Officers
    • Risk Management Specialists
    • Legal Advisors
    • Audit and Monitoring Teams
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing and enforcing compliance policies and procedures.
    • Conducting regular audits and risk assessments.
    • Providing training on compliance and risk management.
    • Addressing and mitigating compliance issues.

Unified Onboarding and Training ART

  • Purpose: Streamline the onboarding and training process for both customers and partners.
  • Key Teams:
    • Onboarding Specialists
    • Training and Development Managers
    • LMS Administrators
    • Technical Support Engineers
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing automated onboarding workflows for both groups.
    • Creating and maintaining training programs and materials.
    • Conducting regular training sessions and certifications.
    • Providing technical support during the onboarding process.

Integrated Support and Service ART

  • Purpose: Enhance support services and efficiency for both customers and partners.
  • Key Teams:
    • Support Agents
    • Knowledge Base Managers
    • Chatbot Developers
    • Incident Response Team
  • Core Activities:
    • Implementing multi-channel support solutions (chat, email, phone) for both groups.
    • Developing AI-driven chatbots for initial support.
    • Maintaining and updating a comprehensive knowledge base.
    • Analysing support tickets to identify common issues and improvement areas.


Performance and Incentives ART

  • Purpose: Track performance and manage incentives for both customers and partners.
  • Key Teams:
    • Performance Analysts
    • Incentive Program Managers
    • Data Scientists
    • Customer and Partner Success Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Tracking and analysing performance metrics.
    • Developing and managing incentive and rewards programs.
    • Generating performance reports and dashboards.
    • Identifying and addressing performance improvement opportunities.

Joint Marketing and Co-Branding ART

  • Purpose: Facilitate joint marketing efforts and co-branding initiatives with partners, benefiting customers.
  • Key Teams:
    • Marketing Managers
    • Content Creators
    • Digital Marketing Specialists
    • Partner Marketing Managers
  • Core Activities:
    • Planning and executing joint marketing campaigns.
    • Creating co-branded marketing materials and assets.
    • Tracking and analysing the performance of joint marketing efforts.
    • Ensuring consistent brand messaging across all channels.

Compliance and Risk Management ART

  • Purpose: Ensure compliance and manage risks for both customers and partners.
  • Key Teams:
    • Compliance Officers
    • Risk Management Specialists
    • Legal Advisors
    • Audit and Monitoring Teams
  • Core Activities:
    • Developing and enforcing compliance policies and procedures.
    • Conducting regular audits and risk assessments.
    • Providing training on compliance and risk management.
    • Addressing and mitigating compliance issues.

Infrastructure Architecture

Front-End Interfaces

Main Website
  • Features:
    • Homepage, About Us, Products/Services, Contact Us, Blog/News, Careers, FAQs, Search Functionality, Customer Testimonials, Social Media Links, Legal Information
  • Purpose:
    • Establishes brand identity, serves as an information hub, engages customers, generates leads, provides support, and recruits talent.

Self Service Portal
  • Features: Knowledge base, FAQs, community forums, chatbots, ticket submission, and status tracking.
  • Purpose: Empower customers to find answers and resolve issues independently, reducing support costs and improving satisfaction.

Account Management Portal
  • Features: Profile management, order history, subscription management, payment methods, and billing information.
  • Purpose: Allow customers to manage their accounts, view transaction history, and update personal information.

Support and Service Portal
  • Features: Live chat, ticketing system, service request forms, and service status updates.
  • Purpose: Provide a platform for customers to seek help, report issues, and get updates on their service requests.

E-Commerce Portal
  • Features: Product catalog, shopping cart, checkout process, order tracking, and customer reviews.
  • Purpose: Facilitate online shopping and provide a seamless buying experience.

Loyalty and Rewards Portal
  • Features: Points tracking, rewards redemption, exclusive offers, and loyalty program information.
  • Purpose: Enhance customer loyalty by allowing customers to track and redeem their rewards.

Feedback and Survey Portal
  • Features: Surveys, feedback forms, ratings, and reviews.
  • Purpose: Collect customer feedback and insights to improve products, services, and customer experience.

Personalisation Portal
  • Features: Personalised content, recommendations, custom dashboards, and preference settings.
  • Purpose: Provide a tailored experience based on customer preferences and behaviors.
Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Portal

  • Features: Partner onboarding, lead registration, deal management, training resources, and performance dashboards.
  • Purpose: Manage partner relationships, streamline onboarding, and track partner performance.
Support and Service Portal for Partners

  • Features: Ticketing system, knowledge base, live support, and service requests.
  • Purpose: Provide partners with the support they need to resolve issues and get assistance with their operations.
Partner Dashboard

  • Features:
    • Partner Performance Metrics, Sales Data, Partner Communications
  • Purpose:
    • Allows partners to view performance metrics and communicate with the company.
Affiliate Program

  • Features:
    • Affiliate Sign-Up, Marketing Materials, Commission Tracking, Payment Information
  • Purpose:
    • Manages affiliate relationships and provides tools for promoting the company’s products.
Reseller Portal

  • Features:
    • Reseller Program Details, Order Management, Pricing Information, Sales Reports
  • Purpose:
    • Supports resellers with program information and sales tools.
Collaboration Portal

  • Features: Project management tools, document sharing, communication channels, and collaboration spaces.
  • Purpose: Facilitate effective collaboration between the business and its partners on various projects and initiatives.
Marketing and Co-Branding Portal or

  • Features: Co-branding guidelines, marketing materials, campaign management, and analytics.
  • Purpose: Provide partners with the resources and tools needed to co-market products and services effectively.
Sales Enablement Portal or

  • Features: Sales training modules, product information, sales tools, and performance tracking.
  • Purpose: Equip partners with the knowledge and tools they need to sell effectively.
Incentive and Rewards Portal or

  • Features: Incentive programs, reward tracking, performance metrics, and payout information.
  • Purpose: Motivate and reward partners for their performance and contributions.
Training and Certification Portal or

  • Features: Training courses, certification programs, progress tracking, and learning resources.
  • Purpose: Ensure partners are well-trained and certified to meet the business standards.
Unified Experience Portal

  • Features: Single sign-on (SSO), unified dashboard, integrated resources for both customers and partners.
  • Purpose: Provide a seamless experience by consolidating access to various tools and resources for both customers and partners.
API Portal

  • Features:
    • API Documentation, Key Management, Usage Analytics, Developer Support
  • Purpose:
    • Provides access to APIs and related resources for developers.
Billing Portal

  • Features:
    • Invoice Management, Payment Processing, Billing History, Subscription Management
  • Purpose:
    • Manages billing and payment processes for customers.
Compliance Portal

  • Features:
    • Compliance Policies, Regulatory Information, Audit Reports, Compliance Training
  • Purpose:
    • Ensures compliance with regulatory standards and internal policies.
Security Portal

  • Features:
    • Security Policies, Incident Reports, Security Tools, Best Practices
  • Purpose:
    • Manages security policies and provides resources for maintaining security.
Feedback Portal

  • Features:
    • Feedback Forms, Survey Results, User Comments, Improvement Plans
  • Purpose:
    • Collects and analyses feedback from customers or employees.
Survey Portal

  • Features:
    • Survey Creation, Distribution, Response Analysis, Reporting
  • Purpose:
    • Conducts surveys and analyses responses
IT Support Portal

  • Features:
    • IT Helpdesk, Troubleshooting Guides, System Status, Service Requests
  • Purpose:
    • Provides IT support and resources for employees.
Developer Portal

  • Features:
    • API Documentation, SDKs, Developer Tools, Community Forums
  • Purpose:
    • Supports developers with technical resources and tools.
Analytics Portal

  • Features:
    • Data Dashboards, Reports, Insights, Data Export
  • Purpose:
    • Provides access to analytics and business intelligence data.
Reports Portal

  • Features:
    • Custom Reports, Financial Statements, Performance Metrics
  • Purpose:
    • Centralised access to various business reports.
Project Management Portal

  • Features:
    • Project Tracking, Task Management, Milestone Monitoring, Resource Allocation
  • Purpose:
    • Facilitates project management and collaboration.
Resource Management Portal

  • Features:
    • Resource Allocation, Availability Tracking, Resource Planning
  • Purpose:
    • Manages and allocates resources efficiently.
Document Management Portal

  • Features:
    • Document Storage, Version Control, Access Permissions, Collaboration Tools
  • Purpose:
    • Centralised document management and collaboration.

Customer Experience

E-Commerce Apps
  • Examples: Amazon, eBay, Shopify
  • Features: Product browsing, search functionality, cart and checkout, payment processing, order tracking, customer reviews.
Customer Service and Support Apps
  • Examples: Zendesk, Freshdesk, Intercom
  • Features: Live chat, ticketing systems, knowledge bases, FAQs, customer feedback forms.
Loyalty and Rewards Apps
  • Examples: Starbucks, Sephora, Swarm
  • Features: Points accumulation, rewards redemption, personalised offers, in-app purchases.
Content Delivery and Media Apps
  • Examples: Netflix, Spotify, YouTube
  • Features: Streaming, content recommendations, user playlists, download options, social sharing.
Social Media and Community Apps
  • Examples: Facebook, Instagram, Reddit
  • Features: User profiles, content sharing, messaging, group creation, notifications.
Mobile Banking and Finance Apps
  • Examples: Chase Mobile, PayPal, Venmo
  • Features: Account management, fund transfers, bill payments, investment tracking, customer support.
Personalisation and Recommendation Apps
  • Examples: Netflix, Amazon, Pandora
  • Features: Personalised content, product recommendations, customised notifications, user preferences.
Booking and Reservation Apps
  • Examples: OpenTable, Airbnb,
  • Features: Search and booking, customer reviews, payment processing, reservation management.
Health and Fitness Apps
  • Examples: MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, Headspace
  • Features: Activity tracking, diet and nutrition logging, workout plans, health monitoring, community features.
Feedback and Survey Apps
  • Examples: SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Typeform
  • Features: Survey creation, distribution, response collection, data analysis, feedback reports.

Partner Experience

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Apps
  • Examples: Salesforce PRM, Impartner, Zift Solutions
  • Features: Partner onboarding, deal registration, lead management, partner training, performance tracking.
Collaboration and Communication Apps
  • Examples: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom
  • Features: Messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, project management, integration with other tools.
Partner Training and Certification Apps
  • Examples: MindTickle, Skilljar, Coursera for Business
  • Features: Training modules, certification programs, progress tracking, course analytics.
Marketing and Co-Branding Apps
  • Examples: Marketo, HubSpot, Hootsuite
  • Features: Campaign management, content sharing, co-branding tools, analytics and reporting.
Sales Enablement Apps
  • Examples: Showpad, Highspot, Seismic
  • Features: Content management, sales training, performance analytics, customer engagement tools.
Incentive and Reward Apps
  • Examples: Xoxoday, Perkville, Tango Card
  • Features: Reward programs, points tracking, incentive management, partner performance tracking.
Analytics and Reporting Apps
  • Examples: Tableau, Google Analytics, Domo
  • Features: Data visualisation, custom dashboards, real-time analytics, performance tracking.
Supply Chain and Inventory Management Apps
  • Examples: SAP Ariba, Oracle SCM Cloud, TradeGecko
  • Features: Inventory tracking, order management, supplier collaboration, demand forecasting.
Partner Feedback and Survey Apps
  • Examples: Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey for Business, Feedback Labs
  • Features: Survey distribution, feedback collection, partner satisfaction metrics, data analysis.

Integration of Customer and Partner Experience Apps

Unified CRM Systems
  • Examples: Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Features: Consolidated customer and partner data, integrated sales and marketing activities, unified reporting.
API Integrations
  • Examples: REST APIs, SOAP APIs, GraphQL
  • Features: Enable data exchange between different applications, ensuring consistent and up-to-date information.
Middleware Platforms
  • Examples: MuleSoft, Zapier, Dell Boomi
  • Features: Facilitate integration between disparate systems, automate workflows, enhance data connectivity.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Solutions
  • Examples: Okta, Auth0, OneLogin
  • Features: Provide unified access to multiple applications, enhance security, improve user experience.
Customer and Partner Portals
  • Examples: Salesforce Experience Cloud, Liferay, SAP Portal
  • Features: Centralised access to resources, personalised dashboards, collaboration tools.

Application Programme Interfaces (APIs)

TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Sales Management APIThe Sales Management API provides interfaces for Sales Lead, Sales Opportunity, Sales Quote and the other management capabilities to support the sales activities to build relationship with the prospect customer who could be a person or organization that has an interest in the goods and/or services and possibly become the actual customers with one or more subscriptions.MarketingSalesTMF699v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Product Catalog Management APIProvides a standardized solution for rapidly adding partners’ products to an existing Catalog. It brings the capability for Service Providers to directly feed partners systems with the technical description of the products they propose to them. ProductTMF620v5.0.02/07/2021No notes
Product Inventory Management APIProvides standardized mechanism for product inventory management such as creation, partial or full update and retrieval of the representation of a product in the inventory. It also allows the notification of events related to product lifecycle.ProductTMF637v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Product Offering Qualification Management APIProduct Offering Qualification API is one of Pre-Ordering Management API Family. Product Offering Qualification API goal is to provide Product Offering commercial eligibility.ProductTMF679v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Product Ordering Management APIProvides a standardized mechanism for placing a product order with all the necessary order parameters. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with CRM/Order negotiation systems in a consistent manner. A product order is created based on a product offering that is defined in a catalog. The product offering identifies the product or set of products that are available to a customer and includes characteristics such as pricing, product options and market.Customer, ProductTMF622v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Promotion Management APIUsed to provide the additional discount, voucher, bonus or gift to the customer who meets the pre-defined criteria. Using promotion, the enterprise is able to attract the users and encourage more consumption, especially continuous purchases. Normally Promotion is not regarded as one type of product or product offering. It is often applied when the customer buys the product offerings with the price or amount surpassing the certain limitProductTMF671v4.1.018/10/2021No notes
Usage Consumption Management APIThis API provides the real-time value within buckets (SMS, Voice, Data, TV for example) that a customer consumes with each of their devices, related to subscribed communication products without having to wait for the bill cycle. A usage report retrieves the data related to these balances.ProductTMF677v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Usage Management APIProvides standardized mechanism for usage management such as creation, update, retrieval, import and export of a collection of usages. The API manages both rated and non-rated usage. For example, it allows a service provider to 1) retrieve usage generated by a partner service platform in order to rate it and 2) to provide rated usage to a partner for consumption follow-up purposes.ProductTMF635v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Appointment Management APIThe appointment API provides a standardized mechanism to book an appointment with all the necessary appointment characteristics. The API allows searching of free slots based on parameters, as for example a party, then creating the appointment. The appointment has characteristics such as nature of appointment, place of appointment.CustomerTMF646v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Customer Bill Management APIThis API allows operations to find and retrieve one or several customer bills (also called invoices) produced for a customer also allows operations to find and retrieve the details of applied customer billing rates presented on a customer bill.CustomerTMF678v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Customer Management APIProvides a standardized mechanism for customer and customer account management, such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events.CustomerTMF629v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Payment Management APIThe Payments API provides the standardized client interface to Payment Systems for notifying about performed payments or refunds. Examples of Payment API originators (clients) include Web servers, mobile app servers, Contact center dashboards or retail store systems. CustomerTMF676v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Payment Method Management APIThis API supports the frequently-used payment methods for the customer to choose and pay the usage, including voucher card, coupon, and money transfer.CustomerTMF670v4.0.0-No notes
Prepay Balance Management APIREST API for Balance Management. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations for prepay balance management. Prepaid subscribers pay fees before using services. Therefore, the subscribers must have sufficient balances. Operators can provide multiple recharge channels for subscribers. Subscribers can pass credit between different subscriptions, therefore transferring the balance from one account to another.CustomerTMF654v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Product Configuration Management APIThe Product Configuration API drives the configuration of new product offerings and modification of existing products for various user engagement channels. The Product Configuration API uses product catalog data, policy data, and existing product inventory data to assist engagement managent systems with product configuration. Product configuration may include setting and restrincting characteristic values, enforcing min/max on bundle offering groups and options, and calculation of prices and discounts.CustomerTMF760v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Quote Management APIThe Quote API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management APIs. The customer Quote API provides a standardized mechanism for placing a customer quote with all the necessary quote parameters.CustomerTMF648v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Recommendation Management APIRecommendation API is used to recommend offering quickly based on the history and real-time context of a customer. It is a real-time and personalized recommendation API. It is usually provided by e-commerce or BSS, CRM system in omnichannel.CustomerTMF680v4.0.02/07/2021No notes
Revenue Sharing Model ManagementRevenue Sharing Model Management API goal is to provide the ability to manage a revenue sharing model. This revenue sharing model allows to contain revenue sharing models that define how revenue is shared by an enterprise with one or more other parties.CustomerTMF738v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Revenue Sharing Report Management APIRevenue Sharing Report Management API goal is to provide the report of a revenue sharing.CustomerTMF737v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Shopping Cart Management APIA standardized mechanism for the management of shopping carts. Including creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of an event. Shopping Cart entity is used for the temporary selection and reservation of product offerings in e-commerce and retail purchase.CustomerTMF663v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Agreement Management APIThe Agreement API provides a standardized mechanism for managing agreements, especially in the context of partnerships between partners.Business PartnerTMF651v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Partnership Type Management APIStandardized mechanisms for creating partnership types. It is one of the APIs involved in an onboarding process. Identifies a type of partnership between parties, including the list of role types that are permitted (i.e. Buyer, Seller, Developer). Role types may refer to agreement specifications to be signed by parties playing the role. The API allows the retrieval, creation, update, and deletion of partnership type and its owned sub-resources.Business PartnerTMF668v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Party Interaction Management APIA User Interaction captures information about past interactions in order to re-use it in future ones. This allows agents to serve users better by knowing the steps they went through. It also allows customers to see better the actions they have performed and how they interacted with us.Business PartnerTMF683v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Party Interaction Management APIA User Interaction captures information about past interactions in order to re-use it in future ones. This allows agents to serve users better by knowing the steps they went through. It also allows customers to see better the actions they have performed and how they interacted with us.Business PartnerTMF683v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Party Management APIProvides a standardized mechanism for party management such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events.Party can be an individual or an organization that has any kind of relationship with the enterprise.Business PartnerTMF632v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Party Management APIProvides a standardized mechanism for party management such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events.Party can be an individual or an organization that has any kind of relationship with the enterprise.Business PartnerTMF632v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Party Role Management APIA standardized mechanism for general party roles and includes operations such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events. Notice that for the management of customers there is a specific Customer Management API.Party Role management API manages the following data resources: PartyRoleBusiness PartnerTMF669v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Party Role Management APIA standardized mechanism for general party roles and includes operations such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events. Notice that for the management of customers there is a specific Customer Management API.Party Role management API manages the following data resources: PartyRoleBusiness PartnerTMF669v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Privacy Management APIThe Privacy management API provides a standardized mechanism for privacy profile types, privacy profiles and privacy agreements such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of eventsBusiness PartnerTMF644v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Privacy Management APIThe Privacy management API provides a standardized mechanism for privacy profile types, privacy profiles and privacy agreements such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of eventsBusiness PartnerTMF644v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Service Catalog Management APIThe Service Catalog Management API allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the service catalog elements.ServiceTMF633v4.0.07/07/2021No notes
Service Inventory Management APIThe intent of this API is to provide a consistent/standardized mechanism to query and manipulate the Service inventory.ServiceTMF638v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Service Ordering Management APIThe REST API for Service Order Management provides a standardized mechanism for placing a service order with all the necessary order parameters. It allows users to create, update & retrieve Service Orders and manages related notifications.ServiceTMF641v4.1.01/07/2021No notes
Service Problem Management APIThe SPM API is used to manage service problems. Service problems are generated based on the information declared by a partner or the event information notified from infrastructure providers. The event information includes alarm information, performance anomaly information, trouble ticket information, SLA violation, maintenance information, and prediction information.ServiceTMF656v5.0.029/04/2024No notes
Service Qualification Management APIService Qualification API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management APIs. Service Qualification API goal is to provide service availability at Customer location.ServiceTMF645v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Service Quality Management Management APIThrough this API, any Enterprise is able to access a Service Quality Management application and extract Service Level Specifications and associated Service Level Objectives (SLO) and their thresholds.ServiceTMF657v4.0.022/09/2021No notes
Service Test Management APIThe Service Test API provides a standardized mechanism for placing a service test with all the necessary test parameters. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with CRM/Service Management systems in a consistent manner. A service test is a procedure intended to check the quality, performance, or reliability of a service.ServiceTMF653v4.2.01/07/2021No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
Alarm Management APIThe Alarm Management API applies lessons that were learned in previous generations of similar APIs that were implemented in the Telecommunication industry, starting from ITU recommendations, TM Forum OSS/J, MTOSI and TIP interfaces, NGMN alignment initiative between 3GPP and TM Forum interfaces, and the more recent ETSI work on requirements for NFV interfaces.ResourceTMF642v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Resource Activation Management APIThe Resource Activation and Configuration API can be used to query resource instances to acquire the resource activation states and attributes, and it can be used to create/update, configure and activate the resource instances.Resource, CommonTMF702v4.0.0-No notes
Resource Catalog Management APIThe Resource Catalog Management API REST specification allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the Resource Catalog elements and the consultation of resource catalog elements during several processes such as ordering process.ResourceTMF634v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Resource Function Activation Management APIThis API introduces Resource Function which is used to represent a Network Service as well as a Network Function. The Network Service and Network Function class definitions and associations in TR244 (which, in turn, builds on concepts from the SID addenda on Logical Resource and Service) are utilized to define the Resource FunctionResource, CommonTMF664v4.0.029/02/2024No notes
Resource Inventory Management APIThe intent of this API is to provide a consistent/standardized mechanism to query and manipulate the Resource inventory.ResourceTMF639v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Resource Order Management APIThe REST API for Resource Order Management. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations. Possible actions are creating, updating and retrieving Resource Orders (including filtering). A Resource Order API provides a standard mechanism for placing a Resource Order with all necessary order parameters.ResourceTMF652v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Stock Management APIThe Stock Management API provides standardized mechanism for product stock management such as creation, update and retrieval of the representation of a product stock, reserve product stock, check or query product stock or adjust product stock. It also allows the notification of events related to them.ResourceTMF687v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
TM Forum Open APIsDescriptionODA DomainDocument NumberVersionPublication DateNotes
AI Management APIThe API Component Suite for AI Management defines the set of operations that should be offered in order that a Service Provider can govern Artificial Intelligence systems deployed at scale. Effective governance and management of AI must span the lifecycle from design through deployment and eventual withdrawal from service. However, the initial focus of the AI Management API is restricted to the in-life aspects of AI and in particular on the management of ‘model contracts’.Business Partner, Resource, CommonTMF915v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
CDR Transaction Management APICDR Transaction Management API goal is to provide the ability to manage a CDR Transaction. This CDR Transaction managing CDR Transactions that define how revenue share is calculated, billed and paid between an enterprise with one or more other parties.CommonTMF735v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Change Management APIThe Change Management API provides standard integration capabilities between external applications and Change Management Application. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with a Change Request in a consistent manner.CommonTMF655v4.0.024/01/2022No notes
Communication Management APIProvides a capability to create and send communications, notifications, and instructions to Parties, Individuals, Organizations or Users.CommonTMF681v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Digital Identity Management APIProvides the ability to manage a digital identity. This digital identity allows identification of an individual, a resource, or a partyRole (a specific role - or set of roles - for a given individual). A digital identity is associated with credential / authentication method. These credential / authentication methods should be extensible to describe all types of authentication methods such as login/password, biometric, token, etc. A contact medium is also associated with digital identity (or directly at credential level) to manage credential recovery UCs.Business Partner, CommonTMF720v4.0.024/01/2022No notes
Document Management APIProvides the operations to synchronize documents and document versions across systems. It also provides operations for uploading documents by Users as well as for viewing of documents onlineCommonTMF667v4.0.0-No notes
Entity Catalog Management APIThe entity catalog is intended to provide any SID entity to consumers via a catalog, with its specification and policy providing governance over its content. The API provides management of the entity specifications and their associations through CRUD operations.CommonTMF662v4.0.027/09/2021No notes
General Test Artifact Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test artefacts that do not fall into the categories managed by TMF704, TMF705, TMF706, TMF707, or TMF709, such as binaries, jars, etc.CommonTMF710v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Geographic Address Management APIProvides a standardized client interface to an Address management system. It allows looking for worldwide addresses. It can also be used to validate geographic address data, to be sure that it corresponds to a real geographic address. Finally, it can be used to look for a geographic address by: searching an area as a start (city, town ...), then zooming on the streets of this area, and finally listing all the street segments (numbers) in a street.CommonTMF673v4.0.02/07/2021No notes
Geographic Site Management APICovers the operations to manage (create, read, delete) sites that can be associated with a customer, account, service delivery or other entities. This API defines a Site as a convenience class that allows easy reference to places important to other entities, where a geographic place is an entity that can answer the question “where?”CommonTMF674v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Incident Management APIThe Incident Management API provides a standardized mechanism to report, diagnose and resolve incidents and manages the entire lifecycle of incidents as defined by ITIL. The primary objective of incident management is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations, ensuring that agreed levels of service quality are maintained.CommonTMF724v4.0.09/03/2023No notes
Intent Management APIThis API allows intents to be expressed, reporting on and negotiated between the intent owner and the intent handler. The Intent API provides specifies the basic attributes and relationships that describe an Intent. The expression attribute of Intent contains a statement of the expectations for an intent in a particular ontology language and is validated by the TM Forum Intent Ontology (TIO).CommonTMF921v4.0.09/03/2023No notes
Open Gateway Onboarding and Ordering Component SuiteAPI Ordering, Developer & Application Onboarding and Management This Operate API component suite covers the onboarding operations between Channel Partners and Operators as described in the GSMA Playbook. It offers a consolidation of multiple TMForum-based APIs into a single endpoint (a component suite). This API focusses on - Developer Management (acceptance, on boarding, lifecycle management)- Application Management (acceptance, on boarding, lifecycle management)- API Service Management (ordering, retrieving).CommonTMF931v5.0.021/02/2024CAMARA / Open Gateway
Resource Activation Management APIThe Resource Activation and Configuration API can be used to query resource instances to acquire the resource activation states and attributes, and it can be used to create/update, configure and activate the resource instances.Resource, CommonTMF702v4.0.0-No notes
Resource Function Activation Management APIThis API introduces Resource Function which is used to represent a Network Service as well as a Network Function. The Network Service and Network Function class definitions and associations in TR244 (which, in turn, builds on concepts from the SID addenda on Logical Resource and Service) are utilized to define the Resource FunctionResource, CommonTMF664v4.0.029/02/2024No notes
Resource ReservationNo description available yetCommonTMF716v4.0.0-No notes
Revenue Sharing Algorithm Management APIRevenue Sharing Algorithm Management API goal is to provide the Algorithm to calculate a revenue share.CommonTMF736v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
Risk Management APIThe Risk Management API allows the retrieval of Risk Assessments during interaction with PartyRoles (individuals or organizations) typically engaged in an Order process from ProviderPartyRole. The Risk Assessment request is usually issued by the ProviderPartyRole (e.g. Service Provider). The resources used to retrieve these assessment are Task resources, as per the Open API guidelines for tasksCommonTMF696v4.0.021/12/2023No notes
Service Activation Management APIThe REST API for Activation and Configuration allows the user to retrieve, create, update, delete services and retrieve the monitor resource used to monitor the execution of asynchronous requests on a specific resource. Although all the examples given in the API specification are relative to Services, the same API can be used to Activate and Configure Services or Resources.Common, ServiceTMF640v4.0.01/07/2021No notes
Software And Compute Management APIThis API Suite introduces schemas mapping the Software and Compute ABE to the Open API data model. The intention is to normalize this pattern for managing software resources such as ODA Components, VNFs and cloud native functions (CNF). The existing Resource domain APIs for Catalog (634), Inventory (639), Activation (664, 702) and Ordering (652) should be used with these extentions of Resource/ResourceSpecification however the TMF730 API, with it's swagger and User Guide makes the data model published and available.CommonTMF730v4.0.015/12/2023No notes
Test Case Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test artefacts that do not fall into the categories managed by TMF704, TMF705, TMF706, TMF707, or TMF709, such as binaries, jars, etc.CommonTMF704v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Test Data Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test data artefacts used for test case parameterization. These include Test Data Schemas and Test Data Instances.CommonTMF706v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Test Environment Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test artefacts related to test environment specification. These include Abstract Test Environments, Concrete Environment Metamodels used to map abstract environments to concrete test resources, Environment Provisioning Artefacts, and Test Resource APIs exposed to test cases.CommonTMF705v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Test Execution Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for test case, test suite, and non-functional test model execution. This also includes allocation and provisioning of test environments for test execution.CommonTMF708v4.0.07/07/2021No notes
Test Result Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test results. These include Test Case Results, Test Suite Results, and Non-functional Test Results.proCommonTMF707v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Test Scenario Management APIThis API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of test scenarios. Test scenarios provide a full specification of required test elements, e.g. Test Case T parameterized with test data instance D running on abstract test environment E provisioned with a set of provisioning artefacts P.CommonTMF709v4.0.030/06/2021No notes
Trouble Ticket Management APIProvides a standardized client interface to Trouble Ticket Management Systems for creating, tracking and managing trouble tickets among partners as a result of an issue or problem identified by a customer or another system. Examples of Trouble Ticket API clients include CRM applications, network management or fault management systems, or other trouble ticket management systems (e.g. B2B).CommonTMF621v5.0.019/09/2023No notes
User Role Permission Management APIA user role is defined as the entity that defines a set of privileges covering various functions and/or manageable assets. When a user is assigned a given role then it is actually allocated all the privileges defined for that role type and the corresponding permissions are created for that user.CommonTMF672v4.0.02/07/2021No notes

API Gateway

  • API Management: Facilitates the creation, publication, maintenance, and monitoring of APIs.
  • Security: Implements security protocols such as OAuth, JWT, and rate limiting.

Integration Layer

  • Service Bus: Facilitates communication between different services and applications.
  • Microservices Architecture: Ensures scalability and modularity by breaking down services into smaller, independent components.

Customer Service

  • Purpose: Manage customer-related information and interactions.
  • Components:
    • Customer Profile Management: Handles customer personal details, preferences, and settings.
    • Authentication and Authorisation: Manages user authentication, roles, and permissions.
    • Customer Activity Tracking: Monitors customer interactions and activities for analytics and personalisation.
    • Customer Support Integration: Interfaces with support systems for issue tracking and resolution.

Order Service

  • Purpose: Handle all aspects of order management.
  • Components:
    • Order Creation: Allows customers to place orders and captures order details.
    • Order Processing: Manages the workflow from order placement to fulfillment.
    • Order Tracking: Provides real-time updates on order status and shipment tracking.
    • Returns and Exchanges: Manages return requests, exchanges, and refunds.

Product Service

  • Purpose: Manage product-related information and inventory.
  • Components:
    • Product Catalog Management: Maintains product details, descriptions, and specifications.
    • Inventory Management: Tracks inventory levels, stock updates, and reordering.
    • Pricing Management: Manages product pricing, discounts, and promotions.
    • Product Recommendations: Provides personalised product suggestions based on customer behavior.

Billing Service

  • Purpose: Handle all billing and payment processes.
  • Components:
    • Invoice Generation: Creates and manages invoices for orders.
    • Payment Processing: Integrates with payment gateways for transaction processing.
    • Subscription Management: Manages recurring billing and subscription plans.
    • Financial Reporting: Generates financial reports and dashboards for billing activities.

Notification Service

  • Purpose: Manage communications and notifications to customers and partners.
  • Components:
    • Email Notifications: Sends transactional and promotional emails.
    • SMS Notifications: Sends important updates and alerts via SMS.
    • Push Notifications: Sends real-time updates to mobile and web applications.
    • Notification Preferences: Allows users to manage their notification settings.

Authentication Service

  • Purpose: Securely manage user authentication and authorisation.
  • Components:
    • Login and Registration: Manages user sign-up and login processes.
    • Password Management: Handles password resets and updates.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adds additional security layers for user verification.
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Manages user roles and permissions for accessing various services.

Analytics Service

  • Purpose: Provide insights and analytics based on user data and interactions.
  • Components:
    • User Behavior Analytics: Tracks and analyses user behavior across different touchpoints.
    • Sales Analytics: Provides insights into sales performance, trends, and forecasts.
    • Customer Feedback Analysis: Analyses feedback and reviews to identify areas for improvement.
    • Real-Time Dashboards: Offers real-time analytics dashboards for decision-making.

Marketing Service

  • Purpose: Manage marketing activities and campaigns.
  • Components:
    • Campaign Management: Plans and executes marketing campaigns.
    • Content Management: Manages marketing content, such as blogs, newsletters, and social media posts.
    • Lead Generation: Captures and tracks potential customer leads.
    • Customer Segmentation: Segments customers for targeted marketing efforts.

Partner Management Service

  • Purpose: Handle partner-related interactions and management.
  • Components:
    • Partner Onboarding: Manages the process of adding new partners.
    • Partner Performance Tracking: Monitors partner performance metrics and KPIs.
    • Incentive and Rewards Management: Manages partner incentives, rewards, and recognition programs.
    • Collaboration Tools: Provides tools for partners to collaborate on projects and initiatives.

Content Management Service

  • Purpose: Manage all content-related activities and resources.
  • Components:
    • Content Creation and Editing: Tools for creating and editing content.
    • Content Publishing: Manages the publication and distribution of content.
    • Content Personalisation: Customises content based on user preferences and behavior.
    • Digital Asset Management: Stores and manages digital assets such as images, videos, and documents.

Compliance Service

  • Purpose: Ensure adherence to regulatory and compliance requirements.
  • Components:
    • Data Protection: Manages data encryption and protection mechanisms.
    • Regulatory Reporting: Generates reports to meet regulatory requirements.
    • Audit Trails: Maintains logs of all activities for auditing purposes.
    • Policy Management: Manages and enforces compliance policies and procedures.

Customer Feedback Service

  • Purpose: Collect and analyse customer feedback.
  • Components:
    • Feedback Collection: Tools for collecting customer feedback through surveys, forms, and direct input.
    • Sentiment Analysis: Analyses feedback for sentiment and key insights.
    • Feedback Reporting: Generates reports based on customer feedback.
    • Improvement Tracking: Tracks improvements and changes based on feedback received.

Support Service

  • Purpose: Manage customer and partner support activities.
  • Components:
    • Ticketing System: Manages support tickets from creation to resolution.
    • Knowledge Base: Provides a repository of articles and FAQs for self-help.
    • Live Chat: Offers real-time support via chat.
    • Support Analytics: Tracks support performance and identifies common issues.

Training and Certification Service

  • Purpose: Manage training programs and certifications for customers and partners.
  • Components:
    • Course Management: Creates and manages training courses and materials.
    • Certification Tracking: Tracks certification progress and completion.
    • Learning Management System (LMS): Provides an online platform for delivering training content.
    • Assessment and Quizzes: Tools for assessing knowledge and skills through quizzes and exams.

Incentive and Rewards Service

  • Purpose: Manage incentive and rewards programs for partners and customers.
  • Components:
    • Reward Points Management: Tracks and manages reward points earned by users.
    • Incentive Programs: Designs and manages various incentive programs.
    • Redemption Portal: Allows users to redeem points for rewards.
    • Program Analytics: Tracks the performance and effectiveness of incentive programs.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

  • Examples: Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Functions: Manage customer data, track interactions, sales automation, customer service, and marketing campaigns.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

  • Examples: WordPress, Drupal, Sitecore
  • Functions: Manage and deliver digital content, personalised content experiences, and digital marketing.

E-Commerce Platforms

  • Examples: Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce
  • Functions: Manage online stores, product catalogs, shopping carts, payment processing, and order fulfillment.

Support and Ticketing Systems

  • Examples: Zendesk, Freshdesk, ServiceNow
  • Functions: Manage customer support tickets, live chat, knowledge bases, and customer service workflows.

Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI) Systems

  • Examples: Google Analytics, Tableau, Power BI
  • Functions: Analyse customer data, generate insights, visualise data, and support decision-making.

Marketing Automation Systems

  • Examples: Marketo, HubSpot, Pardot
  • Functions: Automate marketing campaigns, email marketing, lead nurturing, and customer segmentation.

Feedback and Survey Systems

  • Examples: SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, Typeform
  • Functions: Collect customer feedback, conduct surveys, analyse responses, and gather customer insights.

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Systems

  • Examples: Salesforce PRM, Impartner, Zift Solutions
  • Functions: Manage partner relationships, track partner performance, enable partner onboarding, and provide training resources.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

  • Examples: SAP, Oracle ERP, Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Functions: Manage business processes, financials, supply chain, procurement, and human resources.

Collaboration and Communication Tools

  • Examples: Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom
  • Functions: Facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and project management among partners.

Training and Certification Systems

    • Examples: MindTickle, Skilljar, Coursera for Business
    • Functions: Provide training courses, certification programs, progress tracking, and learning resources.

Incentive and Rewards Management Systems

  • Examples: Xoxoday, Perkville, Tango Card
  • Functions: Manage incentive programs, track rewards, and analyse partner performance metrics.

Unified CRM/PRM Systems

  • Examples: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Functions: Combine CRM and PRM functionalities to manage customer and partner data, track interactions, and support integrated workflows.

API Management Platforms

  • Examples: Apigee, MuleSoft, Postman
  • Functions: Facilitate integration between various systems, manage APIs, ensure secure data exchange, and support connectivity.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Systems

  • Examples: Okta, Auth0, OneLogin
  • Functions: Manage user identities, provide single sign-on (SSO), ensure secure access, and support authentication and authorisation.

Middleware and Integration Platforms

  • Examples: MuleSoft, Dell Boomi, Zapier
  • Functions: Connect disparate systems, automate workflows, enable data integration, and support real-time data exchange.

Data Warehousing and Management Systems

  • Examples: Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery
  • Functions: Store and manage large volumes of data, support data analytics, and provide data accessibility for various applications.

Data Warehousing

  • Centralised Data Storage: Storing structured and unstructured data from various sources.
  • ETL Processes: Extract, transform, and load data into the warehouse for analysis.

Business Intelligence (BI) Tools

  • Reporting and Dashboards: Real-time analytics and visualisations to inform decision-making.
  • Predictive Analytics: Using machine learning to forecast trends and behaviors.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Simplifies access management by allowing one set of credentials for multiple applications.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adds an extra layer of security beyond just usernames and passwords.

Data Protection

  • Encryption: Ensuring data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
  • Compliance: Adhering to regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and others relevant to data protection.

Cloud Providers

  • Scalability: Dynamic scaling to handle varying loads.
  • Reliability: High availability and disaster recovery solutions.

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

  • On-Premises and Cloud Integration: Combining local servers with cloud services for flexibility and control.
  • Containerization and Orchestration: Using Docker, Kubernetes, etc., for deploying and managing applications.

Monitoring and Logging

  • Performance Monitoring: Tools to track system performance and detect issues.
  • Logging and Alerts: Detailed logs and alerts for troubleshooting and incident response.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Automated Testing: Ensuring code quality and reliability through automated tests.
  • Deployment Pipelines: Streamlined processes for deploying updates and new features.

Communication Channels

  • Omnichannel Support: Providing support via chat, email, phone, and social media.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Tools for gathering and analyzing customer and partner feedback.

Community Platforms

  • Forums and Discussion Boards: Enabling peer-to-peer support and community building.
  • Knowledge Bases: Comprehensive resources for self-help and troubleshooting.
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